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Name Stories,Listening 陈则航,Lead in,陈则航,submarine (潜水艇,沉 则 航,择,To choose my own direction/life,Guessing game,This name means that this person is very knowledgeable. This name means a mountain. This name means a crystal in the capital of China. This name means that this person is a hero or a pillar of society. This person is named after one of the ancestors of Chinese people,张一山,周文博,魏京晶,黄英杰,王 尧,Lead in,What does your name mean,In pairs, talk about your names,Prediction,Look at the pictures and read through the descriptions (see your handout). Try to match the students with their descriptions,Wang Jiannan,Issac Evans,Heather Smith,1, 4, 5, 9,2, 6, 7,3, 8, 10,Check your predictions,Listen to learn,Nan is a type of _ for building houses. It indicates that my parents want me to be the pillar of _. In terms of sound, Jiannan means _.It also sounds like another set of characters which stand for “built in the _”. So from my name, I know where I come from,wood,society,healthy boy,south,Wang Jiannan,王建楠,Listen to learn,A smith is a person who works with _. No one in my family can figure out which of our _was a smith. Heather is a purple _ growing all around in the place where my mother comes from. So my mother named me Heather to remind her of her _,metal,ancestors,flower,Heather Smith,home,Listen to learn,Evans is a very_ Welsh name. I dont know what it _. But Im _ for what my grandfather did for the family. Isaac is the name from a famous _ whom my parents admire very much,common,means,grateful,Isaac Evans,musician,Wang Jiannan,王建楠,Heather Smith,Isaac Evans,王健男,王建南,smith-metal-ancestors,flower-home,violinist,common,hardship specific hold up smith ended up significance vivid put up with heather abnormal pillar of society,Find the explanations for the underlined words in Ex. I,Vocabulary,Understand the words,particular support a useful person to the society important meanings very unusual,specific,significance,abnormal,hold up,a pillar of society,somebody who works with metal a purple flower lively settled down finally had to bear difficulties,smith,heather,vivid,ended up,put up with,hardship,1. It is for a man to wear skirts. 2. The Red Army men great during the Long March. 3. Fins (鳍) are a feature to fish. 4. The students who have just come back from the US give us a description of New York. 5. Doing voluntary work is of great to ones growth,abnormal,put up with,hardship,specific,vivid,significance,Vocabulary,Phrasal Verbs,came across hold up stand for counted on figure out ended up put up with,Answers,Work in groups of four. Choose one interviewer. The other three students are Wang Jiannan, Heather Smith and Isaac Evans. The interviewers need to work out questions to find out the information (see the group work sheet,Group work,Assignment,1. P8 Ex. 5 2. P54 3, 4,Phrasal Verbs,came across grew up stands for count on put up with figured out looks like ended up holding up,Answers
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