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The merchant of Venice,Warming up,Lets learn some new words,merchant,a person who buys and sells certain products, such as wine,Antonio,Shylock,uneasy,adj,worried,不安的,忧虑的,pay back,偿还;报答,偿清(债务,How can I pay you back for all your kindness,pay off,You must pay off your debt in one week,1564.4.23-1616.4.23,Stratford-upon-Avon,Stratford Grammar School,Some famous plays,Othello,Macbeth,Venice,The Merchant of Venice,introduction,The early 1590s,The second decade of the 17th century,(1611,comedies,histories,tragedies,romances,Read the following quotations from different Shakespeare plays. Do you know from which plays they come? What do you think these famous words mean,To be or not to be :that is the question.,Is it possible or not? Is he alive or not,Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.,The life of leaders isnt easy. Having many responsibilities, leaders often cant sleep very well,Neither a borrower nor a lender be.,Be careful to take or give money to others. Youd better be careful,Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Deny your father, and refuse your name,If only you had a different name, we would not have this problem,Words, words. Only words. No matter from the heart.,Its all empty words, and there isnt any truth in them. You just talk, but you dont mean it,listening,Listen to the tape and answer the following questions,1. The play take place in,2. How much time passes between the beginning of the play and the end,3. Bassanio need to marry Portia,Venice,About three months,3,000 ducats,4.What must Antonio give Shylock if he cannot pay back the debt ,A pound of flesh from any part of his body,Lets talk about the characters in the play and analyze their relations,Antonio,A rich businessman who likes to help other people. He helps his friend Bassanio, but because of that gets into trouble with shylock,Shylock,A cruel businessman. He lends Antonio 3,000 ducats,Bassanio,Portia,A rich and beautiful woman. Shell marry Bassanio. She also acts the role of the lawyer,Antonios best friend. He gets married with Portia, after financial help from Antonio,What to do next,Duke,The King or the President of Venice. Hes also the head of the court,Antonio,Bassanio,Portia,Shylock,Duke,friends,lovers,enemy,Speaking,Mercy VS Revenge,Love VS Money,Which is more important,Useful expressions,As / So far as I know,What shouldnt be forgotten is,The way I would go about it,But in this particular case,Homework,1.Exercise 2 on page 139 in the text book 2. Preview the reading text,see you
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