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Unit 4,Investigation,Interview about your partners newspaper reading,Do you like reading newspapers? Do you read a newspaper for information or for pleasure? Do you read a local paper or a national paper? Is there any news giving you deep impression? What is your favorite section? *oversea news *home news *book review *art *sports *entertainment *travel *business,Types of jobs,What it involves,reporter / journalist,interviews people or finds out events from onlookers and writes news stories,editor,checks the writing and facts and makes changes if necessary,photographer,takes photographs of important people or events,critic,gives opinions on plays and books,designer,lay out articles and photographs,printer,prints the newspaper,Types of jobs at China Daily,journalist, editor, deputy(代表) editor, reporter, cartoonist, critic, sub-editor, foreign correspondent,1) Who write news stories,journalist/reporter,2)Who gives opinions on plays or books,critic,3)Who report from abroad,foreign correspondent,4) Who designs comic(滑稽的) drawings with captions(标题),cartoonist,5)Who make corrections to articles and design,sub-editor,What are the qualities a good news reporter needs to have,1 higher level of education 2 work experience 3 good communication skills 4 curious,active personality 5 hard-working 6 enthusiasm for the job 7_ 8_,Very important *important *not very important,ability to work in a group,good writing skills,Every morning the newspaper chief editor holds a meeting with the journalists to discuss the main events,Reporters are sent to do face-face interviews or do telephone interview,Photographers are sent to take the pictures,Doing ones homework looking up information they need,Reporters type their stories into the computer,The stories are quickly handed to the editor,Photos are quickly developed,Editors decide which picture should be used and read some stories and make any necessary changes,Editors writes the headlines for each story and check that there is enough space,Newspaper are printed on fast moving printing machines,Newspaper are delivered by lorry and plane,Newspapers are sent to every home,1.The _ hold a meeting,chief editor,2._ interview people and write stories,3._ take photographs,4._ are quickly developed,5.Editors _ the reporters,6.Editors write the _,7.the newspapers are _,8.The newspapers are _by train and truck,journalists,photographers,photographs,check,headlines,delivered,printed,occupation n 1.职业 (page84) 2. 占领,占用the occupation of a country occupy v 军队占领了敌人的首都 the army occupied the enemys capital. 这个演讲要三个小时 The speeches occupied three hours,MY FIRST WORK ASSIGNMENT “Unforgettable,”says new reporter,Where did the conversation happen?Who were talking? 2. Could Zhou Yang go out on a story alone immediately ? Why ( not ) ? 3. What mistakes must Zhou Yang avoid,Zhou Yang talked with his boss, Hu Xin at the office of China Daily,No , not until he was more experienced because there was a lot for him to learn and he must work in a team,He must avoid being rude and talking too much himself,Fast Reading,4 How did Zhou Yang feel on his first day at work ? 5. What does the reading passage mainly talk about,He felt excited ,curious and eager to go out on a story,The qualities needed to become a good reporter The skills necessary to become a good photographer How to conduct a good interview Being carefully in the new environment A and C,How do you divide the text into three sections according to the duties of a reporter ,Section 1 : Section 2 : Section 3,how to get an accurate story,how to protect a story from accusations,Careful reading,to work in a team,1. Why was Zhou Yangs first work assignment unforgettable,Because his discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin, was to strongly influence his life as a reporter,2. When can a new reporter cover a story by himself? A. Never can a new reporter cover a story by himself. B. Only after he has seen what an experienced reporter does. C. Not until he is old enough . D. Only when he takes a camera with him,Section 1,3. Zhou took a course of photography at mid-school,at university,True or False,What a new reporter should do on the first day,1 The first time he will be sent with an_. 2 There is no need for him to take a_ with him. He will have a professional _ with him to take photographs,experienced reporter,camera,photographer,Choose the correct explanation to the phrases,1 what do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story,A. to go and interview somebody about an incident or happening B. to write a story C. to make up a story,2 A good reporter must have a “nose” for a story,A. to have a sense about what is going to happen B. to be able to “smell”when somebody is trying to hide a good story that may reflect badly on him/herself. C. to be able to ask the truth from the one who is interviewed,Section 2,While inter
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