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Unit4 Task Period1,Helping poor children,England,Germany,Mexico,Spanish,Thailand,People there swab down (洗澡) in the river together,As you can see, people are very poor. Because of poverty(贫穷),they have no money. They have few possession(财产),they wear shabby (衣衫褴褛的)clothes. They do farming by hands. Children at early age should work for the family. So celebrate New Years Day is a dream,1.When you listen to a weather report, what phrases should you pay attention to,The temperature is It will be,2. If we want to know what the problem is when we are listening to a news report, what phrases or sentences should we pay special attention to,3. If we want to know what has caused the problem when we are listening to a news report, what phrases or sentences should we pay special attention to,Listen to a news report about the problems of the hill tribe children in northern Thailand, and fill in as much of the table as you can , pay attention to the sentence pattern on the blackboard,Listening,Part one,1.Answer the questions on the paper 2.Fill in the blanks 3.Read the first paragraph of Part C and finish the table,no running water,No money,few clothes or furniture,no electricity,Forest has been cut down,repairing of pumps takes several days,1.Listen to part two and fill in Table B 2.Read the second paragraph of Part C and finish the table,Part two,The village is poor./poverty,many children especially girls dont go to school,All farming done by hand,Small amount of land and water available,children have poor diets,children do not grow properly,many of the childrens parents have died of AIDS,grandparents have to bring up children,grandgrants are old and poor,not enough money,Do the cloze in you paper. If you know the answer , just stand up and tell us the answer,Practice,Discussion,Talk about the problems around us and you should talk about the following three parts, and use the key phrases on the blackboard. What is the problem? 2) What effects will it bring? 3) How to solve the problem,Send short messages,Play basketball,Because of poverty, she cannot go to school,Traffic accident,Homework,1.review the phrases and sentences we learn in this period 2.preview skills building 2,Happy New Year,Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks,Here I am in northern Thailand. As you can see, the families living here are living in very poor conditions. There is no running water and no electricity in this village. Water has to be collected from the river 10 minutes walk away. This may seem near but when you need water for many things, walking 10 minutes is a long time. The water then needs to be boiled before it can be used. The result of not boiling the water is illness. As you can see, the villages houses are built of wood are not very strong. This is because they have no money and cannot get hold of any materials. The people have very things like clothes or furniture because they have no money and they a long way from the nearest town. There is a bus but you have to walk kilometers to get to the nearest road,One of the major problem facing the hill tribe children along the mountainous borders of northern Thailand is poverty. There is little money coming to their families and often they cannot afford the expense to purchase important things like Medicine. Living conditions can be somewhat primitive and another problem is lack of firewood for cooking. The trees in many areas are gone so there is little wood for burning. People have to walk further and further away to find wood. We recommend using alternative sources of fuel such as charcoal. Water is also a problem. Some villages do not have a well and pump so the villagers have to walk to the river with containers to fetch water. Wells need to be dug and pumps need to be put in to pump water into some of the villages. Unfortunately, if the pump breaks down, the repairing of the pump takes several days, as an engineer has to come from the nearest town to repair it. We recommend training one person in each village to repair the pumps,Education is another problem area affected by hardship. Many school are very small with only basic equipment. Some do not even have a roof. Children sit on the floor and there is often only one teacher to teach all the children even though They are different ages. There is not enough money for more than one teacher in a village; farming is the occupation. A large problem is that children do not go to school because their parents need help and are forced to let the children help farm the land, collect wood and water, and look after sick family members. Many children do not get enough protein to eat as there are few animals and so the children suffer from malnutrition. Health care is limited as there are no doctors or nurses in the villages and again no one has the means to pay for them,As I said earlier, there is no electricity in this village, so when it is dark, the only light comes from the small fires that the family cooks over. Unfortunately, mu
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