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Mars,Greeting From The Future,1. What is an e-friend? 2. Why does Mekanika say she is never lonely? 3. What does a digital phone do? 4. Why is it sometimes difficult for Mekanika to know what is real and what is an image,Answer the following questions,1. What is an e-friend? An e-friend is a machine that looks just like a human being. 2. Why does Mekanika say she is never lonely? Because she has an e-friend which can help her and keep her company. Help her with homework, go swimming, take care of Mekanika, send messages, talk to her,3. What does a digital phone do? A digital phone can transform a persons voice into ones and zeroes so that your voice sounds very real. 4. Why is it sometimes difficult for Mekanika to know what is real and what is an image? The models and imagines in the future look so much like the real thing, so it is hard to tell a real one from a “virtual” one,1. We now have e-friends to help us and _ us _. 2. My e-friend is a lot like me and we _ together. 3. She can also send me messages, just like _ e-mail. 4. You can _ information from the computer,keep,have lots of fun,old-fashioned,download,company,keep sb company, imitate, absurd, have lots of fun, clean up, old-fashioned. download, more than, digital, lifelike,In the company of the girl, they visited the museum. You may know a man by the company he keeps. Do you expect company for dinner tonight ? He works for a bus company,陪伴,朋友,客人,公司,Which of the following “company” has the same meaning as in the text,5. You use computer programmes to _ the real world. 6. This may sound _ to you. 7. We can see _ just a picture. 8. I send my e-friend to _my room. 9. I have a _ phone. 10. We see a _ model of the person,imitate,absurd,more than,clean up,digital,lifelike,keep sb company, imitate, absurd, have lots of fun, clean up, old-fashioned. download, more than, digital, lifelike,Company,伴随,陪伴(不可数) 我很感激生病时你陪我。 I was thankful for your company when I was ill. 同伴,伙伴(不可数) You may know a man by the company he keeps.看他与什么人来往,可知他是什么样的人。 公司,团体(可数) 你在哪家公司上班? Which company do you work for,Para 1,A be different from B there are differences between A and B keep sb. company have lots of fun send sb. a message download information,与 不同,陪伴某人,很开心,给某人发信息,下载信息,Para 2-3,7. imitate the real world 8. virtual reality 9. sound absurd to sb 10. after all 11. think about sth a little 12. more than,效仿这个真实的世界,虚拟现实,听上去荒谬,竟然,毕竟,稍加思索,不只是,13. a lifelike model of 14. send sb to do 15. clean up 16. some day 16. in time,那个人的逼真模型,派某人做某事,打扫/收拾,某天,迟早,General ideas: Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 Para 6,The way we produce food. How to find a place for ourselves. New challenges for us. Our work habits have changed a lot. People who work with computers Marketing people will change their role,Farmers,Today many farmers grow vegetables and raise animals on small farms,Small farms are not very efficient and competitive. Their technology is not very updated and advanced,In the future, farmers will be able to grow specialized products like organic food,Marketing people,Today they provide services for large companies by collecting information of sellers and consumers,Most of the work is conducted through the Internet and other communication channels,In the future they can work as interviewers in areas like marketing and research,People who work with computers,Today these computer operators perform simple actions,Word processing and simple information can be dealt with automatically,In the future they can work as database managers or engineers,Teachers,They provide both knowledge skills for the students and answers to their questions,The “generation gap” makes it hard for them to understand their students,In the future they will have to adapt to the new needs of their students by becoming life long learners,work habits工作习惯 be faced with面临;面对 with high efficiency高效率 grow organic food种植有机食品 environmentally friendly food 环保食品 open up打开;开发;开设 marketing people市场开发人员 communication channels沟通渠道,product design产品设计 computer operators电脑操作员 perform simple actions从事简单劳动 search engines搜索引擎 database managers数据管理员 create new challenges提出新挑战 generation gap代沟 adapt to使适应;改写;改编 turn challenges into opportunities 化挑战为机遇 create a future开创未来
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