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Unit 5 The British Isles,Reading,By Shang Qin,national flag,Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 Para 6 Para 7,Match the paragraphs and their topics,Climate History Culture Language French influence Brief introduction location,Speakers Corner,England,Big Ben,The Tower of London,Para 1,The British Isles,Europe,Look at the map of the British Isles and give the names of the following places on the map,North Sea,The Atlantic Ocean,English Channel,England,Scotland,Wales,Northern Ireland,Ireland,Irish Sea,Dublin,London,Wales,England,Scotland,Northern Ireland,Great Britain,the UK,the British Isles,Ireland,British Isles: _ England: _ Scotland: _ Wales: _ Position of Ireland: _ Position of the Isle of Man: _,in the east and south,in the north,in the west,in the Irish Sea / between Britain and Ireland,lie off the west coast,west of Britain,Para 2,The British Isles: _ Scotland: _ England and Wales:_ coldest months:_ warmest months: _,Climate,Mild with a lot of rain,Colder and receives more rain,rains a lot,January and February,July and August,Para.3,What formed the basis of English? What influenced the culture of the British Isles? Where did the native population move? What happened in 1066? Who spoke French,Culture & French influence,Para 4&5,1.What influenced the culture of the British Isles,The culture of the people of the British Isles was influenced by the culture of the people on the European mainland,2.What formed the basis of English,People from different parts of northern Europe who settled in England brought their own culture and language. Their languages formed the basis of English,3.Where did the native population move,Some of the native population moved to the inland, mountainous parts of the islands, to Ireland, Scotland and Wales,4.What happened in 1066,In 1066, England was conquered by the French,5.Who spoke French,The upper classes,England and Wales formed the Union in:_ Scotland joined the Union in:_ Ireland used to be:_ and now is:_ Northern Ireland is:_ Smaller islands such as The Isle of Man and are ruled by: _,1536,Para 6 History,1707,part of the UK,an independent republic,part of the UK,the King of England,Para7 languages,Language in modern times,Older European languages,Six spoken languages and two local accents,English,Welsh& Irish,Threatened, may disappear,)1.Many people around the world study English,and they know a lot about British culture. ( ) 2.Great Britain is made up of four countries. ( ) 3.The island of Britain is separated from France by the English Channel. ( ) 4.Scotland is colder throughout the year, but receives less rain,F,F,T,F,) 5.The European mainland has had a great effect on the culture of the people in the British Isles. ( ) 6.The southern part of Ireland is now an independent republic. ( ) 7. In modern times, people throughout the British Isles only speak English. ( ) 8. Usually, when you are talking with a man from the Great Britain, you had better not ask him like this:”Are you English,T,T,F,T,Retell the passage: Fill in the blanks with proper words,It is not right to think that the British Isles means the United Kingdom. The British Isles are a group of islands that lies off the _coast of Europe. The largest island is called _, which consists of _kingdoms: _in the north, _in the west and England in the _. The island just west of Britain is called _.Ireland Island is made up of,west,Britain,three,Scotland,Wales,South and east,Ireland,_countries. The Republic of Ireland is an _country, while the Northern Ireland _ to the UK. Between Britain and Ireland, in the Irish Sea, lies the small _of Man. The climate of the British Isles is _with a lot of _. The culture of the people in the British Isles has received many influences from the _mainland,two,independent,belongs,Isle,mild,rain,European,Write the right numbers in the correct places,Edinburgh,Cardiff,Belfast,2.Atlantic Ocean,1. North sea,3.English Channel,4. Scotland,5. Wales,6. England,7. Northern Ireland,8. Ireland,9. Isle of Man,10. Irish Sea,11. London,12. Dublin,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,Para. 2 location,Write the numbers in the correct places on the map,North Sea Atlantic Ocean English Channel Scotland Wales England Northern Ireland Ireland Isle of Man Irish Sea London Dublin,11.London,3.English Channel,Cardiff,5,6.England,8.Ireland,12.Dublin,10.Irish Sea,9,Belfast,7,4.Scotland,2.Atlantic Ocean,1.North Sea,Edinburgh,Local languages are of great value to record and teach to the younger generation because they are part of the local culture and history of the different peoples in the British Isles,3.Why is it of great v
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