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Unit 7 Living with disease,Reading: Born Dying,It is reported by the UN that in the world 40,000,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS , of whom 3,100,000 have died this year,Five people worldwide die of AIDS every minute,Each year, more than 5 million people become infected with HIV,In 2002, more than 40 million people in the world were living with HIV or AIDS,Since the first case was discovered in 1981, nearly 27 million have died of AIDS,If someone become infected with HIV / AIDs, what will they meet? What will happen to them,We are equal to you, we need fair treatment. We also have dreams to receive a good education, to enjoy the life! Please give a hand to us,Like any 12-year-old child, Xiaohua is a happy girl who smiles a lot and likes to talk to her friends after school. However, unlike other children, she has lost her mother and will lose her father, and herself was born dying with AIDS,Reading,Write down four questions you think will be answered in the text,1._ 2._ 3._ 4._,Born Dying,How old,What ,How ,Who,This passage mainly tells us_. how terrible AIDS is how miserable Xiaohua is what we should do towards AIDS and AIDS patients,Main idea of the pasage,C,new words,Infection 感染;传染病 Virus 病毒 Cheer(使)振奋;(使)高兴 Prevention 阻止;预防 Persuade 劝说 Immune 免疫的;免除的 Treatment 治疗;对待; Proper 合适的;适当的 Lack 缺乏; 缺少,unprotected 无保护的 Transfusion 输血;输液 Available 可利用的 Discourage 使泄气 Sex 性; 性别 Specialist 专家 Curable 可治愈的 Invisible 看不见的 defenseless 无防备的,Go through the text quickly,and answer some questions,1. Whats Xiaohuas attitude to her disease? Optimistic or pessimistic,Optimistic,2. How many children were infected in 2002,As a result, 3.2 million children were infected in 2002,Listen to the tape,then do some True or False statements,1.( ) People will die immediately after they get AIDS. 2.( ) In Xiaohuas case, HIV spreads through birth. 3.( ) The disease is spreading fast in America & parts of Asia. 4.( ) Among those who have AIDS, the young suffers the most. 5.( ) Xiaohua knows that she will die soon and let that knowledge discourage her. 6.( ) Xiaohuas dream is to become a doctor to help those AIDS patients,1.( ) People will die immediately after they get AIDS,F,Most people who have AIDS manage to survive a few years after they get the disease,2.( ) In Xiaohuas case, HIV spreads through birth,T,3.( ) The disease is spreading fast in America & parts of Asia,F,The disease is spreading fast in Africa & parts of Asia,4.( ) Among those who have AIDS, the young suffers the most,T,5.( ) Xiaohua knows that she will die soon and let that knowledge discourage her,F,She does not let the knowledge discourage her,6.( ) Xiaohuas dream is to become a doctor to help those AIDS patients,T,Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5 Para. 6 Para. 7,A.Whats AIDS,D.How do people get AIDS,C.Thousands of children become infected with HIV every day,E.What kind of life does Xiaohua live,G.AIDS patients have to deal with peoples fear of the disease,Main idea of each paragraph,F.Learn to live with HIV,B.Who is Xiaohua,Divide the text into three parts and find out the main idea of each part,Para 2-4,Para1,A general introduction to Xiaohua,Knowledge about AIDS,Xiaohuas life and her attitude towards AIDS,Para 5-7,Read the text freely,and answer some detailed questions,What kind of disease is AIDS? 2. Where is the disease spreading fast? why? Which kind of people suffer the most,AIDS is a disease that breaks down the bodys immune system and leaves a person defenseless against infections and illnesses,In Africa and parts of Asia. Mainly because of a lack of proper health care, prevention and education,The young,Careful reading,4. Why cant people afford the drugs? 5. What did Xiao Hua decide to do after she knew she got AIDS? 6. Is the disease the only thing that AIDS patients have to suffer from? 7. What is the best way to show that you care about AIDS patients,She decided to use the limited time she has left to do something to help others,No. They also have to deal with peoples fear of the disease,Giving an AIDS patient a hug,The drugs that are available are much too expensive,AIDS, which is caused by _, can be transmitted via _ sex, _ blood _ or through _,unprotected,infected,transfusion,birth,HIV,As a result, 3.2 million children were infected in2002,1. If a person gets AIDS, he/she _. will certainly die in a few years. will be unable to defend against infections and illnesses. will be unable to receive blood transfusions. can be cured by a very expensive medicine,defenceless,2. Which is true about Xiaohuas mother? She died immediately after she gave birth to her daughter. She got infected with HIV when she received blood transfusions. It wasnt until Xiaohuas birth that she knew about her infections. She knew her husband had AIDS before her daughter was born,Post-reading,What is the difference between HIV and
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