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高二英语上学期 期末复习40题,1. The people, _ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross. A. all whose homes B. all of whose homes C. all their homes D. all of their homes 2. You can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had _ her children. brought up B. to bring up C. bringing up D. to have brought up,3. In order to put out the terrible fire in a high building, 20 firefighters succeeded in rushing into the building, unfortunately _ in the fire and _ their lives. A. caught; losing B. catching; lost C. caught; lost D. catching; losing,4.The visiting professor _ giving lectures to students _ invited to meetings at times. preferred; to being B. preferred, rather than C. preferred; than being D. preferred to; to being,5. Mrs. Black went back to _ place _ she had found the ring. A. the same, where B. the same, as C. the same, that D. that, worrying 6. The solders soon reached _ was once an old temple _ the villagers used as a school. A. which, which B. what, which C. where , which D. what, where,7. I believe the child _. A. to tell true B. to have told the truth C. having the truth D. having told the truth 8. Jack _ the test again; in that case, his father will be very disappointed. A. must have failed B. might fail C. could have failed D. should fail,9. _ enough time, but I couldnt do it better. I was given B. To be given C. Given D. Though I was given 10.Johnson, therere a lot of chairs over there. Go and fetch _ for me. Why _? Mike is sitting there doing nothing. A. one; meB. that; not he C. it; not himD. some; I,11. We are now in great need of help. So your support will certainly make a _. A. deal B. decision C. point D. difference 12.These old buildings are _ after having stood empty without use for many years. A. pulled down B. burned down C. turned down D. put down,13. You cant imagine what great difficulty I have _ a driving license. A. to get B. getting C. for getting D. get 14. The test _ a number of multiple choice questions. A. consists of B. makes up C. makes of D. takes in,15.Almost nobody can stand _ fun of before a crowd of people. to be made B. to make C. being made D. making 16. I saw no more than one book “Red Star Over China” in the bookstore. Please go and buy _ for me. A. one B. some C. it D. any,17. Air is to us _water is to fish. We should take measures to keep air and water clean. A. that B. which C. it D. what 18. You will be _ when the book becomes_. informed ; available B. known; used C. sure; obtained D. known; available,19.Youve made great progress in your studies of English, havent you ? Yes, but a list of things_ A. remain to do B. are remained to do C. remain to be done D. are remained to be done,20. I can send him a note _ the internal mail system. A. via B. use C .in D. to 21. _ fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect. A. What B. That C. This D. Which,22. _ for his good skill, this doctor has a lot of visitors calling for help all the time . Knowing B. To know C. Known D. To have known. 23. The doctor _ her of cancer. cure B. treated C. operated D. cured,24. After you have finished reading a book or a magazine in the reading-room, put it back _ it used to be . A. what B. that C. in which D. where,25. He insisted that he _ the national football team and that their team_. A. must join; would win B .join; would win C. joins; has won D. joined ; will win,26 .It is natural that a new bridge _ over the wide river. should build B. would be built C. be built D. will be built 27. In some countries, _ is called “equality” does not really mean equal rights for all people. A. which B. what C. that D. it,28. It is said that the famous football star is now willing to play for _ would pay him three million dollars a year. A. anyone B. whomever C. no matter who D. whoever,29. Its no use trying to _ him to give up smoking; he wont listen. prevent B. discourage C. advise D. persuade,30. _ is important to a person is _ he must know what he is fit for. A. It; what B. That; what C. It; that D. What; that,31. Dont leave the container _ he can get it. in the place B. where C. when D. in which 32. _ fire minutes earlier, you could have seen them off. should you arrive B. Had you arrived C. If you arrive D. If you should arrive,33. National Day is _. We should get prepared for a celebration now. on the way B. under way C. in the way D. by the way 34. You have to explain _ us the reason _ being late. to; for B. / ; for C. with; about D. / ; of,35. I wish I _ so careless. My examination results could have been much more satisfactory. werent B. wouldnt be C. hadnt D. had not been 36. -Did you have any trouble in getting here? -No. _, I would have telephoned you. Otherwise B. Therefore C. Anyway D. However,37. When my hand touched the letter in my pocket, I realized that I ha
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