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Unit 1 Getting along with others,Grammar,1.眼见为实,2大声朗读英语对于我们来说非常必要,3.我决定周末去看我阿姨,4.我认为记忆单词和词组非常重要,5。上课记笔记是一个好习惯,To see is to believe,It is necessary for us to read English aloud,I decide to visit my aunt at weekend,I think it important to memorize words and phrases,It is a good habit to make notes in class,6.这幢楼房将于下周竣工. 7.我唯一能做的事就是努力学习. 8.Peter有好多作业要做. 9.请给些纸我来写一写. 10. 我下周去南京,你有没有东西需要我带给你姐姐,The building is to be built next week,The only thing I can do is work hard,Peter has a lot of homework to do,Please give me some paper to write on,Ill go to Nanjing next week. Do you have anything to be taken to your sister,11. 下周即将举行的会议非常重要. 12.这个问题很难回答. 13.格林夫人匆忙赶回家,结果发现家门被撬了. 14.李平努力学习以便能赶上他的同学。 15. 那天他们分手了,再也没有见过面,The meeting to be held next week is very important,The question is difficult to answer,Mrs. Green hurried home, only to find her house broken into,Li pin works hard in order to catch up with his classmates,That day they were separated, never to see each other again,16.Sam那天早上很幸运, 赶上了早班车. 17. 老师要求我们不要大声喧哗. 18. 说实话,这个演出是失败的. 19.老板让工人们每天工作十小时. 20.他站在那儿,注视着乘客离开,Sam was lucky enough to catch the first bus that morning,The teacher asks us not to make so much noise,To tell the truth, the performance is a failure,The boss made the employees work ten hours a day,He stood there and watched the passengers go by,21. 我不喜欢电影, 我情愿呆在家里. 22. 我忘了在离开时要关灯关门. 23. 当他妈妈进来时,他假装在读书. 24.对不起,让你久等了. 25. 据说这本书已被翻译成几种语言,I dont like the film. Id rather stay at home,I forgot to turn off the lights and close the door when I left,He pretended to be reading when his mother came in,Im sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time,The book is said to have been translated into several languages,Put the following phrases into English,1.与发展友谊关系 2.值得拥有 3.值得推荐 4.背叛祖国 5.取笑某人 6. 感到被背叛了 7. 感到难为情 8.忽视学习 9. 决定做某事 10 想哭 11.径直朝某人走去 12. 守信 13. 承认作过某事,1.develop friendships with sb 2. worth having 3. worthy of being introduced 4.betray ones country to 5.make fun of sb 6.feel betrayed 7.feel ashamed 8.overlook ones studies 9.be determined to do sth 10.feel like crying 11.go straight to sb 12.keep ones word 13.admit doing sth,14.诅咒某人 15.原谅某人做某事 16.重视,关注 17.向表示歉意 18.和某人进行一场篮球赛 19.不能忍受做某事 20.一次难忘的经历 21.嫉妒某人 22.使某人尴尬 23.避免做某事 24.有天赋 25.推迟做某事 26.晚上熬夜,14.swear at sb 15.forgive sb for doing 16.focus on 17.make an apology to 18. have a basketball match against sb 19.cant stand doing 20.an unforgettable experience 21.feel jealous of sb 22.embarrass sb with sth 23. avoid doing 24.have a gift for 25.delay doing 26.stay up at night,27.说服某人做某事 28.迫不及待的做某事 29.推迟做某事 30.创立一个新的身份 31.设法阻止某事 32.自从那时起 33向某人提供可行性建议 34.接通 35.除了 36.认真对待某事 37.尤其、特别 38.对.缄口不提 39.全神贯注于 40.犹豫不决. 41.不管.不顾,27.persuade sb to do sth 28.cant wait to do sth 29. put off doing sth 30.create a new identity 31.discourage sb from doing sth 32. ever since 33.offer sb practical advice 34. get through 35.apart from 36.take sth seriously 37. in particular 38. keep ones mouth shut 39.be absorbed in 40.hesitate to do sth 41.regardless of,Fill in the blanks in the suitable words,We have been best friends since p_ school. 2.We are no fun because we are both a_ and like to study.I 3.I didnt feel like I was o_my studies. 4.I thought that Hannah must have d_ told everyone . 5.The other team was b_ and we really had to focus. 6.He said it wasnt his f_ if he couldnt play as well as me. 7. Then we both started shouting at each other and it turned into a horrible a_. 8. Dont let a small disagreement r_ your friendship. 9.I started chatting r_ about two months later. 10. She says I spend an a_ amount of time online,rimary,cademic,verlooking,eliberately,rilliant,ault,rgument,uin,egularly,bsurd,11. Our lines can get very busy but please keep trying and you will e_ get through. 12.Well listen to your problems and offer you p_ advice. 13.Mum would be e _ angry if they knew about it. 14. They are still sitting on the sofa, a_ in conversation. 15. Boys and girls have different a_ towards friendship. 16.These results have been c_ worldwide. 17. When asked they usually h_ before responding. 18. Friendships between boys are based on s_ activities and interests. 19. Boys share activities, w_ girls share feelings. 20. They have different attitudes on a v_ of topics like school, hobbies and the future,ventually,ractical,xtremely,bsorbed,ttitudes,onsistent,esistate,hared,hile,ariety
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