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Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A Period 2,Tell me how to make a banana milk shake,A,B,C,D,E,F,知识回顾,yogurt,honey,How do you make fruit salad,Discuss,Clean and put the fruit in a bowl,How do you make fruit salad,Peel the fruit,Cut up the fruit,Pour one cup of yogurt into the bowl,Mix it all up,A: How do you make fruit salad? B: _ cut up three bananas, three apples and a watermelon. _ put the fruit in a bowl. _ put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. _ mix it all up,First,Next,Then,Finally,3a How do you make fruit salad,3b Pairwork Look at the instructions in 3a again. Then look at these pictures and tell your partner how to make popcorn,First, put the popcorn into the popcorn popper,Next turn on the popper,Next pour the popcorn into the bowl,Then put salt on the popcorn,Finally eat the popcorn,Homework:Tell us what your favorite dish is ?And how to make it? Use the following words,First, Second, Next, Then, Finally,英语中量的表达方法分为三种类型: 表示容器的名词 + of a cup of tea three bottles (瓶)of milk. 表示单位的名词 + of a piece of paper(一张纸) seven bags of rice (七袋米) 其他词 + of some of the apples,How much,How many,potato,tomato,beef,watermelon,milk,teaspoon,yogurt,strawberry,honey,tea,sandwich,Game,Take me home,Take me home,根据句子意思和汉语提示完成句子。 1. A: _ _ _ _ (你怎样做) a banana milk shake? B: _ (首先)peel three bananas, then _ _ (切)the bananas. 2. A: Lets _ _ _ (做水果沙拉). B: OK, _ _ (好主意). 3.A: _ _ (多少) apples do we _ (需要). B: Let me think. We need two. 4. A: I want to buy _ _ (一些蜂蜜). B: _ _ (多少) honey do you need? A: One teaspoon. 5. Please give me _ _ _ _ (一公斤苹果,How do you make,First,cut up,make fruit salad,good idea,How many,need,some honey,How much,a kilo of apples,pour into cutup _ 3. peelthebananas _ 4. fiveteaspoonsofhoney_ 5. popcorn popper_ 6. 打开(电源开关)_ 7. 混合在一起_ 8. 一杯酸奶_ 9. 水果沙拉 _ 10.两碗米饭,切碎,倒入里,翻译词组,切碎,剥香蕉,五茶匙 蜂蜜,爆米花机,turn on,mix up,a cup of yogurt,fruit salad,two bowls of rice,根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. How watermelons do we need? (much) 2. We need ten . (orange) 3. Would you cut up some for me? (tomato) 4. What would you like _ (drink), tea or coffee? 5. _ (not drink) too much milk when you are hungry,many,oranges,tomatoes,To dri,to drink,Dont drink,Goodbye
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