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最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,Module 9 Animals in danger Module 10 Lao She Teahouse 北京第十三中学分校 初二英语备课组,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,Module 9 Animals in danger,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,学习目标,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,Module 10 Lao She Teahouse,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,学习目标,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,活动一:描绘 猜词 活动目的:通过图片展示,导入相关的教学内容。让学生听懂老师的描绘,学习有关动物的词汇;拓展词汇。 知识点:动物的词汇 学生能力要求:听懂并理解相关的内容,写出相应的单词。 过程:老师描绘动物的颜色,形状,特点等让学生猜测有关的动物,并展示图片,要求学生拼写,掌握动物的单词。 素材: 162页 P 164 连词组句,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,Guessing game: according to the description to guess the words about animals,It is orange and black,A tiger,It is big and it has a very long nose,An elephant,It is big and it lives in the sea,A whale,It is long and thin,A snake,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,A camel,A hippo,A panda,crocodiles,An antelope,A snake,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,A tiger,An elephant,A penguin,A lion,A bear,A whale,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,活动二:看图说句子(小组活动) 活动目的:通过图片展示,让学生用句型表达所看到的图片内容,学会使用句型及相关的知识点。 落实知识点:it is +adj. +to do /feel adj. to do 学生能力要求: 口头输出句型应用 过程:看图引导学生A使用句型:it is happy to live in the forest./ The tiger feels happy to live in the forest对比着图片引导学生B说:it is worried about having no place to live in . /It feels worried to have no place to live in引导学生C说出:it is sad to think about all those animals in danger. 素材:对话中的句子,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,I feel happy and I like living in the forest,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,I feel worried where I live,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,It is awful to kill the animals for their meat,It is terrible to kill the animals for their fur,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,awful,terrible,kill,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,Examples,Its + adj. + to do sth. It was interesting to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve. Its sad to think about all those animals in danger. It just isnt right to kill whales or elephants for their meat. Its hard to stop killing,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,Activity Three: Onion-peeling,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,Guessing game,Who knows me better,Activity Four,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,活动五:连词组句(小组活动) 活动目的:分层次了解学生对动词学习的掌握情况,所有句子都来自对话和阅读材料。并拓展练习,操练语法,又巩固复习旧知识。 知识点:短语,动词的使用 学生能力要求:会连词成句,独立完成句子。能够提问回答 操作:要求小组活动。先是连词成句比赛。然后是拓展该项练习。对所连句子进行划线提问比赛?并使用所学知识进行问答练习。 素材:课本module10 language in use中练习三,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,Answers: Bettys parents offered to take a friend to the teahouse. The waiters bring tea to the customers. The teahouse offers a warm welcome to everyone. She introduced Beijing Opera to them. Lao She taught Chinese to the English. Our plan was to see the play in the teahouse. The audience likes to see Beijing Opera in the teahouse,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,1. Bettys parents offered to take a friend to the teahouse,Write sentences: 1. Bettys parents / take / to the teahouse/ to / offered/ a friend,Who offered to take a friend to the teahouse,Who did Bettys parents offer to take to the teahouse,What did Bettys parents offer to do ,Where did Bettys parents offer to take a friend,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,活动六:tell a story (我的故事最动听) 活动目的:继续操练动词不定式的用法,使用不定式描述生活中发生的事情 语法点:动词不定式 学生能力要求:要求学生由单句练习上升到段落表达,使用不定式描述生活中的事情。 操作:帮助学生创设一些情境,让学生有话可说。可以是连词成句的给出例子。也可以放手让学生自己创设情境描绘。三步:1)打乱句子顺序连词成句比赛(同活动五) 2)给出成句要求排序(小组合作进行) 3)要求学生书写成文段。展示给全班同学。 素材:课本教材参考module10 中活动9,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,E. They agreed to spend the whole day with me in the park,C. I wanted to fly a kite in the park,I was very glad my parents offered to drive me there,D. I had a very good time that day,B. I hope to go to the park and fly kites again one day,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,Flying Kites I wanted to fly a kite in the park. I was very glad my parents offered to drive me there. They agreed to spend the whole day with me in the park. I had a very good time that day. I hope to go to the park and fly kites again one day,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,What can we do to protect the animals in danger,Activity seven,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,You are a member of Wildlife Club of our school, write a letter to China Daily to ask people to protect the animals. Write down your opinion why we must do something to protect animals in danger,write a letter,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,The area of is becoming smaller and smaller heavy use of the river and over hunting Kill them for their fur, meat and bones They dont have . to do. . have enough food to eat .have enough places to live in There is a long way to go to save the,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,We must do something for the animals in danger,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10 教材分析课件 人教新目标版 课件,Activity eight,Bingo,最新】八年级英语 Module 9-Module 10
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