第1页 / 共24页
第2页 / 共24页
Unit 2 Keeping Healthy,Topic 1 Youd better go to see a doctor,Section A,Name each part of the body,tooth,He has a backache,She has a sore throat,Whats the matter,Whats the matter with him,He has a headache,He has a toothache,He has a stomachache,have a cold,have a fever,have a toothache,Whats the matter with you? - I have a cold,have a stomachache,have a sore throat,have a backache,have a headache,A: Whats the matter with him? B: He has a,Whats the matter with him,He has a cold,He has a fever,What should they do,Whats the matter with her,She has a cold,What should she do,She should take some medicine,Whats the matter with you,I have a toothache,You should see a dentist,Thats a good idea,Whats the matter with her,She has a sore throat,What should she do,She should drink some hot tea with honey,Listen and answer the following questions.(录音1,1. Whats wrong with Kangkang? 2. What should he do,He has a toothache,He should see a dentist,should / shouldnt,You drink lots of boiled water,should,shouldnt,You drink coffee or tea in the evening,shouldnt = should not,Pair work,For example:A: Whats wrong with you?B: I have a bad cold.A: You should go to see a doctor,I have a headache,You should stay in bed and have a good sleep,You should drink plenty of boiled water,I have a fever,You shouldnt drink coffee or tea in the evening,I cant sleep well at night,I have a backache,You shouldnt lift heavy things,Pair work,For example:A: Whats wrong with you?B: I have a cold. / .A: You should / shouldnt,Listening(录音2,Listen to the conversations and number the following pictures,1,2,3,Listen again and then write down the advice. Pay attention to should / shouldnt.(录音2,1._ 2._ 3._,She/You shouldnt read in the sun,He/You should see a doctor,He/You shouldnt eat so much,英汉互译,have a stomachache _ 2. have a fever _ 3. take a rest _ 4. have a toothache_ 5. have a cold_ 6. see a doctor_ 7. 你应当早点上床睡觉._ 8. 她得了流行性感冒._ 9. 你应该多喝水._ 10. 你怎么啦? _,胃痛,发烧,休息一下,牙痛,患感冒,看病,You should go to bed earlier,She got the flu,You should drink more water,Whats wrong/ the matter with you,I have a headache. 2. I have a cold. 3. I have a toothache,Summary,You should have a good rest,You should go to see a doctor,You shouldnt eat too much candy,Homework,Make a dialog with your classmates like this: A: Hi, Whats wrong? B: I have a A: Im sorry to hear that. You should B: I think I will. A: I hope B: Thank you
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