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Unit 4 Wild animals Main task,Listen to the report and try to find out the answers to the following questions: 1. How many babies do mother giant pandas have at a time? 2. How many giant pandas are there in the world now,Giant pandas are in danger,beautiful black and white; look like a bear/a white mouse(be born,quiet and peaceful,eat bamboo shoots and leaves; never eat meat/drink mums milk; have one or two babies at a time,farmers take their land; have nowhere to live; hunters hunt them for their fur,write to newspapers and magazines; let more people know about the problems; ask people to do something to help,Bears,big and strong; small eyes/black or brown fur/sharp paws,like to move around in the daytime; seldom hurt people,can walk upright; good at swimming and climbing trees,hunters hunt them for their fur and paws; no bears in the world,Report: (1) are in danger! Bears are (2) and (3) . They have eyes, (5) or brown fur and(6) paws. Bears can (7) . They are good at (8) and (9) . Bears like to (10) around in the (11) .They (12) hurt people. Sadly, many hunters kill bears for their (13) and (14) . We must stop this. If we do not take any actions, (15)_ _,Bears,big,strong,small,black,sharp,walk upright,swimming,climbing trees,move,daytime,seldom,fur,paws,there will be no bears in the,world,Work in groups of four : Discuss how to write a report on a wild animal in danger. ( 1 ) First make some notes . ( 2 ) Then give the report in class orally,Lets enjoy an MTV,Animals are our friends,We must protect,wild animals,Homework: Write a report on a wild animal in danger in your written books,Thank you
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