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第七课时Self Check,Unit 9Have you ever been to a museum,一、词汇运用。 A)根据句意及首字母提示写单词。 1As the famous saying goes:Practice makes 2Uncle Wang often stamps.Its his hobby. 3In ,nature wakes up from her long winter sleep. 4Many foreigners are surprised at the development of China in recent years. 5The street is not for children to play because there are too many cars,perfect,collects,spring,rapid,safe,B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 6I find it (believe) that such a young lady can climb up that mountain without help. 7We felt relaxed and (peace) during the days in the mountains. 8My brother Jack likes (India) food,but I like Chinese food better. 9We should organize more (society) events. 10You can enjoy all the water sports,or you can also (simple) lie on the beach,unbelievable,peaceful,Indian,social,simply,二、单项选择。 11I often go to school by _ bus with Jane,_ Indian girl. Aa;the B/;anCthe;/ D/;a 12Every time Mike meets me,he says hello _ a friendly way. Aof Bfor Cby Din 13You seem to have a readymade answer _ I ask you a question. Aalthough Bsince Cbecause Dwhenever,B,D,D,14The machine turns _ off when it has finished printing. Aitself Bits Cthemselves Dtheirs 15My parents always encourage me _ hard. Awork Bworked Cto work Dworking 16Mario,have you _ visited the Palace Museum? No,Ive _ visited it. Aever;ever Bnever;ever Cever;never Dnever;never,A,C,C,17When I left the hospital,the doctor said to me,“Dont worry.Youll be all right in _ days.” Aa couple of Ba kind of Ca piece of Da bit of 18My sister is very shy.She _ to speak in front of so many people. Awonders Bpromises Coffers Dfears,A,D,19For my parents,the Riverside Park is a good place _ a walk. Ato practice Bto take Ctaking Dpracticing 20The terrible rainstorm brought down a number of houses._ people lost their homes. AThree thousands BThousand of CThousands of DThousand,B,C,三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 21她曾经品尝过日本食物吗? she ever Japanese food? 22这个学校超过四分之三的学生来自农村。 More than the students in this school are from countryside. 23你和别人交流时将不会有任何困难。 You wont with others. 24无论下不下雨,我明天都要去参观那个博物馆。 it rains ,I will go to visit the museum tomorrow. 25你不要太害羞,但另一方面,你必须要有礼貌。 You shouldnt be too shy,but ,you must be polite,Has,tasted,three quarters of,have any problem communicating,Whether,or not,on the other hand,四、根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 Lucy:What are you going to do tomorrow? Amy:26._ Lucy:Lets go somewhere interesting. Amy:Er,let me see.27._ Lucy:Yes,I have.I went to Fun Times Amusement Park last month.Have you ever been to the City Zoo? Amy:Yes,I have been there three times.28._ Have you ever been there? Lucy:No,I havent. Amy:29._ Shall we go there tomorrow? Lucy:Thats a good idea. Amy:30._,E,F,B,C,A,Lucy:We can go there by bike. Amy:OK.See you tomorrow. AHow can we go there? BWhat about the Water City? CMe neither. DWhere do you want to go? ENothing much. FHave you ever been to an amusement park? GMe too,五、完形填空。 About three months ago,I took my nineyearold son to Qingdao,Shandong.It was a special _31_When we got there,my son was very excited because it was the first time for him to take the _32_ When we got on the subway,I found it was full of people and we had to _33_However,a boy wearing sports clothes asked me to sit in his seat.He also _34_ his friend sitting next to him to do that.So it would be _35_ for me to take care of my son. I said “Thank you” as he _36_ up and then we sat down.When we got off the subway,the kind _37_ said goodbye to us.I used to think that people in Qingdao were very indifferent (冷漠的)But this _38_ really changed my opinion,Later I lost my wallet while I was shopping in the city center._39_,a stranger picked it up and gave it back to me. These _40_ people really made our trip to Qingdao very unforgettable.I told my son that we should try our best to help the people in need in return,)31.A.trip Bfan Cexercise Dcouple ( )32.A.ship Bbus Csubway Dcar ( )33.A.run Bstand Csit Dstay ( )34.A.made Bfailed Cdecided Dadvised ( )35.A.easy Bunusual Csuccessful Dterrible ( )36.A.stood Bput Ctook Dgave ( )37.A.lady Bboy Csalesman Dworker ( )38.A.artwork BExperience Cfear Dtool ( )39.A.Luckily BCompletely CMostly DSimply ( )40.A.fair Bcrazy Ckind Dwild,A,C,B,D,A,A,B,B,A,C,六、阅读理解。 Many people like to go to amusement parks (游乐场) to have fun,but I dont!Last year,a group of my friends decided to spend a whole day at Magic Land,an amusement park in my city.I thought I would have a very good time,but I was wrong.I had the worst time ever. We played many scary games.At first,we were all very excited,but later I felt sick and threw up (呕吐) a lot.Then my friends decided that we needed a lunch break.I still felt uncomfortable with my stomach,but they insisted that I should eat if I was going to continue playing in the afternoon.After lunch,my friends advised that we should go on a water ride,so I could cool down.I thought it was a good idea.But when we were riding on it,I forgot to take my glasses off.They fell off and drop
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