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最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,8B Unit 2 Welcome to Japan Reading/Period 1,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,Discussion,1. Have you been to a place of interest? Where is it? What do you think of it,2. If you have enough money and time, where do you want to go? Why,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,Travel to Sanrio Puroland with Sandy,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,Its famous for Hello Kitty Cat. So its also called Hello Kitty Land,Sanrio Puroland is an indoor theme park,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,What do you want to know,Super Star,Shopping,Parade,Food,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,She wears a shiny dress,There is a crown on her head and a bow on her left ear,Hello Kitty is very cute,Super star,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,Shopping,Visitors can buy Hello Kitty stationary as souvenirs in the shops,Children can taste Hello Kitty biscuits there,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,Parade,During the parade, the performers wore costumes and marched across the park,Hello Kitty waved to the visitors,Visitors all clapped their hands,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,fast-food restaurant,sushi,Food,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,Photos of Sanrio Puroland B1 Sandy is back in Beijing. She is showing some photos of her visit to her neighbour May. Complete their conversation,Sandy: Sanrio Puroland is a famous (1)_ in Japan. I visited Hello Kittys house there. Look at these photos. May: What is this? Sandy:This is Hello Kittys bathroom. Everything there was so (2)_. May: Oh, its Hello Kitty. Shes so beautiful. Sandy: Yes, we were watching a (3)_ there. The performers wore different (4)_. We were clapping our hands while they were (5)_ across the park. It was the best part of the day. May: That sounds great,costumes cute marching parade theme park,theme park,cute,parade,costumes,marching,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,Photos of Sanrio Puroland B2 Sandy wants to add captions under the photos before she shows them to her classmates. Help her complete the captions below,delicious gift shiny sushi waved,Hello Kitty and her friend jumped out of the _ box,Hello Kitty _ to us during the parade,I liked the _ in Japan. It was _,I bought a soft toy there. I liked its _ golden dress,gift,waved,sushi,delicious,shiny,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,Reading Comprehension (1) Sandy also wants to tell her classmates what she and her family did at Sanrio Puroland. She is making some notes about it. Help her complete her notes,Things we saw,Things we bought,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,Reading Comprehension (2) Millie made some notes after she read Sandys letter. But she made some mistakes. Write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false and correct it,Sandy and her classmates visited Sanrio Puloland in Tokyo. Sandy went to Hello Kittys house as soon as they arrived. Father bought some stationary as souvenirs for Sandy. Sandy bought a lovely Hello Kitty purse for Millie. Sandy didnt like the parade at all. The performers wore the same costumes during the parade. Hello Kittys shiny dress matches well with her crown and bow. Sandy visited Mount Fuji on the third day,F,parents,T,F,Sandys cousin,T,F,liked best,F,different,T,F,the city center of Tokyo,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,Reading Comprehension (3) Simon wants to make a table about Sandys trip to Japan after reading Sandys letter to Millie. Help him complete his table with the information in Sandys letter,She spent the whole day with parents,She went to Hello Kittys house with mother,She had lunch in a fast-food Restaurant with parents,She watched a parade,She took photos,She was going to visit the city center,She was going to have Japanese food,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,Homework: Read the text for three times Write 5 sentences about your trip (your past trip or dream trip) 3. Prepare for a dictation (P22-P23,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,Thank you,Goodbye,最新】八年级英语下册 Unit2 Travelling 5 课件 牛津版 课件,Reading Comprehension (2) Sandy is showing Amy her photo album. Amy is very excited and is asking a lot of questions. Help Sandy answer Amys questions,Which part of Hello Kittys house do you like best,What food did you like best at Sanrio Puroland,What did Hello Kitty wear,Did your parents buy anything there,What did you buy for Millie,I like (1)_best,I liked (2)_,Hello Kitty wore (3)_,Yes, Dad bought some souvenirs for my (4)_. Mum bought some (5)_ and (6)_ for me,I bought a lovely (7)_ for Millie,the bathroom,the Hello Kitty apple pie best,a shiny golden silk dress,cousin,biscuits,sweets,Hello Kitty purse
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