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第2页 / 共34页
Unit 1,Friends,Reading,1. 初步理解与本单元主题相关词汇. 2. 通过阅读了解文中所出现的三个好友的基本情况;理解用形容词来描述朋友外貌和个性品质的语篇。 3. 学会欣赏别人, 学会珍爱友谊,slim, generous, willing, ready, singer, almost, eyesight, round, smart, sense, humour, bored, joke, fit, off, advertisement, everyone, shoulder-length, true, vote,Say something about your friend,What does your friend look like? What kind of person is your friend,He is handsome/ good-looking/pretty/ lovely,She is good-looking/pretty/ lovely/ beautiful,He/ She is a clean and tidy/ clever/ friendly/ funny/ helpful/ polite person,Best friends,Read the articles and answer the questions,Is Betty slim? What kind of person is she? Some examples? What does she want to do when she grows up,Yes, she is,She is generous.,She wants to be a singer and travel around the world,Best friends,Read the articles and answer the questions,What does Max look like? What kind of person is he? What happens when he walks past the desks,He is tall and wears small, round glasses,He has a good sense of humor,When he walks past the desks, he often knocks his classmates books and pens off the desks,Best friends,Read the articles and answer the questions,What does May look like? Why is she a true friend,She is short and small. She has straight, shoulder-length hair and looks pretty,Because she can keep a secret and never says a bad word about anyone,Betty is generous to old people only. Betty wants to be a singer and travel. Max does a lot of computer work . Max is very good at telling jokes. Max is a true friend. May likes to tell others her friends secrets,True or false,Fill in the blanks,B Choosing the best friend,generous helpful humor secret smart true,1. _ is a _ friend she can keep a _,2. _ looks _ and has a good sense of _,3. _ is _ and _ she is always willing to share things and help others,May,true,secret,Max,smart,humor,Betty,helpful,generous,We have learnt a lot about Betty, Max and May. If you can choose only one of them as your best friend, who will you vote for? Why,Vote for the best friend,Ill vote for _ because my best friend shouldnt tell others my secrets,May,Ill vote for _ because I like funny people . They can make me happy when Im sad,Max,Ill vote for _ because my best friend should share things with me and help people in need,Betty,Try to find as many words as you can to describe peoples appearance in the letters,slim, short , tall, smart, funny, small, pretty, poor eyesight, wear small round glasses, long legs, straight shoulder-length hair,My friend Betty is _ (和一样苗条) I am. She has_ (短的) hair. We have been best friends for a long time. Betty is _ (大方的). She is willing to share things with her friends. She is also very _ (爱帮助人的) and is ready to help people any time,as slim as,short,generous,helpful,Fill in the blanks according to the text,Betty _ (想当一名歌手) and _ (环游世界) when she _(长大). We may not get to _ (看见彼此) often but we will always be best friends,wants to be a singer,travel around the world,grows up,see each other,I have a_ friend _ Max. He is very _ almost 1.75 meters. However, he has _ because of working on the computer too much at night. He _(戴)small, round glasses and they make him _(看上去聪明的). Max _ (富有幽默感). I never _ (觉得厌烦或不开心) when he is with me,wonderful,named,tall,poor eyesight,wears,look smart,has a good sense of humor,feel bored or unhappy,He _ (讲有趣的笑话) and always _(使我开怀大笑). His legs are very long and they _ (not fit) under the school desks. He can _ (走的很快) but when he walks past the desks, he often knocks our books and pens off the desks. he is so _(有趣,tells funny jokes,funny,makes me laugh,walk fast,do not fit,I _(想到)my good friend May when I read your advertisement. She is small and she has _ _ (直直的齐肩发). Everyone thinks she is _ (漂亮的). May is a _ (忠实的) friend. When something _ (困扰我), I can always go to her. I can tell her _ (任何事情) because she can _ (保守秘密). She is kind and never _ _ (说别人的坏话,thought of,true,anything,keep a secret,straight, shoulder-length hair,worries me,pretty,says a bad word about anyone,翻译下列词组: 又高又瘦 2. 乐意做某事 3. 和朋友分享 4. 逗某人笑 5. 给人们让座,tall and slim be willing to do sth. share with ones friends make sb. laugh give seats to people,Exercise,6. 经过桌子 7. 视力差 8. 从不说人坏话 9. 有幽默感 10. 周游世界,walk past the desks have poor eyesight never say a bad word about anyone have a sense of humor travel around the world,Exercise,Language points,1. She is as slim as I am,as. as “和一样”,表示同级的比较,Amy is as tall as Peter. This film is as interesting as that one. He can run as fast as I can. He is as old as me. He works as hard as we,2. She is willing to share things with her friends,willing adj. 乐意的,愿意的 be willing to do sth. 乐意做某事,I will not be wil
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