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I like music that I can dance to,Unit 6,Section A,Lets sing it together,If youre happy and you know it Wink your eye If youre happy and you know it Wink your eye If youre happy and you know it Never be afriad to show it If youre happy and you know it Wink your eye,1c,Music is the best language of our human beings! 音乐是人类最美好的语言,Music can bring you good mood, happiness, Improve your character.音乐能带给你快乐, 好情绪,修身养性,Music is a kind of art without any borders in the world. 音乐是超越国界的一门艺术,Different kinds of music,music that has great lyrics,music that I can sing along with,music that isnt too loud,music that I can dance to,He /She like music that,1b,1b,1b,What kind of music do Tony and Betty like,1c,A:What kind of music do you like ? B:I like music that I can sing along with.What about you? A:I prefer music that has great lyrics,Talk about the music you like,It is the singer star who who is a boy. who is very shy. who likes wearing casual clothes. who is good at writing songs. who has a song named Shuangjiegun,Guess quickly,It is the singer star who who is a girl. who is from Tai Wan. who is very thin. who loves playing volleyball. who has a song named Pan Duo La,Guess quickly,Super Star Teacher,I like pop singer stars. I also like musical groups,My favorite group is Flower Group. They are musicians who give me power. I like their songs that are exciting. And I prefer their song Xishuashua,Flower Group,S.H.E,Energy,Backstreet boys,Twins,2a,Carmen likes musicians who play T F different kinds of music. Xu Fei likes Dan Dervish. T F Carmen likes music thats loud. T F Xu Fei prefers groups that play quiet T F and gentle songs,What about Carmen and Xu Feis favorite groups,2b,Listen again and complete the sentences,who write their own songs,thats really loud and energetic,who play different kinds of music,Grammar Focus The attributive clauses,在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句,He is the man whothat I met yesterday. Do you know who he is,定语从句修饰 the man,当关系代词在从句中作宾语时, 关系代词可以省略,Sumarry,中考聚焦: 1.George Mallory was an English school teacher _ loved climbing.(2003杭州) A .who B. he C .which. 2. The police caught the man_ stole my handbag.(2003扬州中考题) A. he B .that C. which 3. The dress _ she is wearing today was a birthday present from her aunt. A .what . B .it C .this D .which(03连云港,A,B,D,4. With the money _ he had saved, he went on with his studies at school. A. what B. that C.who D .where(03常州) 5. The songs _ Beetles sang were very popular.(2003徐州中考题) A .which B. who C. whose. 6. Im looking at the picture_ you sent me with your letter.(2004杭州中考题) A .who B. which C. it 7. The letter _ I received from him yesterday is very important.(2004常州) A who B where C what D that,B,A,B,D,homework,Do re mi doe a deer a female deer ray a drop of golden sun me a name I call myself far a long long way to run sew a needle pulling thread la a note to follow sew tea a drink with jam and bread that will bring us back to doe 1234567-1-5-1,Homework,Students book. P 46. 3b PAIRWORK,Thanks for listening,Bye-bye
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