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Unit 7 Topic 1 section D,Retell 1a in Section C,小组竞赛。就上一节课内容回答问题: 1.Where does daniel Igali come from? 2. When did he come to Canada? 3. Whats his favorite sport? 4. When did he win a gold msdal? 5. How is the school in his hometown? What does he want to do ,头脑风暴,说出有关邀请的句型和答语,A: Would you like -? Lets- Shall-? Why not-? Why dont -? What / How about-? B: Thank you./ Id like to, thanks./Id love to. That would be nice./ Good idea,Discuss,Look at Michaels poster for the food festival. What can you see in it,Pair work act the dialog,Bye-bye,Finish part 4,根据首字母提示或汉语提示完成句子。 May I i_ you to my birthday party? We can s _ many kinds of cookies in our restaurant. I wish your food festival a big s_. Im afraid he _(没空). Lets make his dream _(实现). 二。用所给词的适当形式填空 。 1。Thank you for _(help) me with my English,2 Lets try our best _(make) it successful. 3.What about _(buy) a sandwich for him? 4.You can make an _ (invite) to them. 5.Mark thinks he can _(sell) newspapers to make money. 三。单项选择 1。You may_ your parents_ help. A turn to. to B. turn to, for C. go to, to D. go to , and,2.We must _to learn English well. A. try the best B. do the best C. try our best D. do best 3.Keep _ ,and you will be _. A. to try , success B. trying, success C. to try, successful D. trying, successful 4. A: This is Xiao Wu speaking. Is Tom in? B: _ the line, please. A Hold B. keep C. Get D. Take,Writing: 根据以下内容,写一则海报。 本周影讯 片名:泰坦尼克号 时间: 5月20日星期日晚上8点 地点:会议厅 票价:10元 售票地点: 学校传达室
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