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最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,Unit2 Whats the matter,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,head,eyes,nose,mouth,teeth,ear,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,arm(s,legs,foot,feet,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,hand,head,arm,back,neck,stomach,leg,foot,nose,eye,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,1a: Look at the picture. Write the correct letter (a-m) for each part of the body,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,He has a cold,He catches a cold,Whats the matter,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,She has a toothache,Whats the matter,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,He has a headache,Whats the matter,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,She has a fever,Whats the matter,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,Whats the matter,She has a sore throat,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,Whats the matter,He has a stomachache,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,Whats the matter,He has a sore back,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,Pairwork,A Whats the matter,B I have a sore throat,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,1b: Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names (1-5,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,What should I do if I have a ? You should,drink hot tea with honey,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,see a dentist,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,lie down and rest,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,drink lots of water,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,A: I have a sore throat. B: You should drink some hot tea with honey,Pairwork,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,Listening practice,2a,Toothache sore throat Stomachache fever,a. lie down b. hot tea with honey c. see a dentist d. drink lots of water,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,2b,hot tea with honey,toothache,see a dentist,stomachache,lie down and rest,fever,drink lots of water,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,A: Whats the matter? B: I have a A: Maybe you should B: Thats a good idea,Pairwork,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,Guessing game,Do you have a ,Yes, I do. / No, I dont,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,A: Whats the matter? B: Im not feeling well. I have a _. A: When did it start? B: About _ ago. A: Oh, thats too bad. You should _. B: Yes, I think so. A: I hope you feel better soon,I.Oral practice,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,A: Whats the matter? B:Im not feeling well. I have a _. A: When did it start? B: About _ ago. A: Oh, thats too bad. You should _. B: Yes, I think so. A: I hope you feel better soon,Role play,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,stressed out,tired,II. Presentation,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,thirsty,hungry,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,Match 1,c,d,a,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,Match 2,d,c,b,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,Pattern 3: A: Whats the matter? B: Im tired. A: You should go to bed early,III. Pairwork 1,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,IV. Listening practice,go to bed early,go to the party tonight,stressed out,listen to music,study tonight,thirsty,have a drink,eat more dumplings,hungry,eat an apple,play soccer before dinner,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,A: Whats the matter with Gina? B: Shes tired. A: Well, she should go to bed early. She shouldnt go to the party,V. Pairwork 2,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,Who is Dr Know,P: I have a sore throat. Dr.A: You should drink lots of water. Dr.B: You should drink hot tea with honey. Dr.C: You should talk less, drink hot tea with honey and have a rest,Dr.C,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,I. Lead in,What food do you like to eat? *What is the healthy food? *What food is good for you,Free talk,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,What do traditional Chinese doctors believe? If you are often weak and tired, what should you eat? If you are too stressed out and angry, what should you eat,II. Read and answer,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,Dangshen,Huangqi,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,a balance of yin and yang too much Eating herbs is also good for this. _ is good for_,III. Discuss and explain,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,4. Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and its important to eat a balanced diet. Its easy to _ Its important to _,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,IV Read aloud,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,V. Discuss: What is a healthy lifestyle,watch too much TV,go to bed early,eat too much junk food,eat fruit and vegetables,shouldnt,should,最新】八年级英语上册 第2单元课件(2) 人教新目标版 课件,Are you tired? Everybody gets tired sometimes. When you are tired, you shouldnt go out at nights. You should go to bed early for a few nights and you should exercise to stay healthy. You should also eat fruit and other healthy foods. You shouldnt go to parties when you are tired,VI. Fill in the blanks
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