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Book 8 Unit 1 A Land of Diversity,the Statue of Libertythe Statue of Liberty,1. Which one is American flag,New York Washington D.C Los Angeles,A. B,2. Which city is the capital of the USA,Warming UpWarming Up,A,B,C,3. Which one doesnt belong to America,Golden Bridge,White House,Eiffel Tower,4.Which are American brands,A,B,C,E,F,D,5. How many states are there in the USA,A,B,C,D,47,48,49,50,1.In the western,2. The largest population,3.Golden State,4.Los Angeles,5.The third largest,6.The Eagles,Guessing GameGuessing Game,California,1. Comprehend the passage thoroughly and grasp some detailed information,2. Summarize some useful words and expressions and practice using them,3rd largest largest population distinction customs/languages attract multicultural,A. The culture of California B. The history of California C. the population of California,1. According to para. 1, whats the topic of this text,2. Retell it with the help of the given words,Russians,Later Arrivals,people,The Spanish,Most Recent Arrivals,Native Americans,Gold Miners,3. How many kinds of people are mentioned in this text,1. Native Americans,Its likely that they arrived _ years ago,Bering Strait,by means of,Europeans,arrival,suffered,15,000,survived,more,living,than,They crossed the _ _ to America _ _ _ a land bridge,EXAMPLE,The _ of the _ in the 16th century,They _ greatly,Some _ these terrible times, and there are _ Native Americans _ in California _ in any other state,2. The Spanish (Time VS. Event,In the early 16th century,In the 18th century,In 1821,In 1846,Spanish influence,At that time, California was _ (rule) by Spain. _ (Spain) soldiers first arrived in the early 16th century, _ they fought against the natives and took their land. Of the first Spanish to go there, the _ (major) were religious men, whose ministry is _ (teach) the Catholic religion. In 1821, Mexico gained its _ (independent) In 1846 the US declared war _ Mexico. Mexico was _ (defeat) and had to give California to the USA. That is _ today over 40% of Californians still speak Spanish,短文填空,ruled,Spanish,when,majority,to teach,independence,on,defeated,why,3. The Russians and Gold miners,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1. What kind of Russians began settling in California in the early 1800s? Russian hunters,2. Today, which city do Russian-Americans mainly live in California? San Francisco,3. Who were the first to reach California for gold? The South Americans and people from the United States,4. After gold was discovered in California, what attracted people from all over the world? The Dream of becoming rich,5. Translation. By the time California elected to become the thirty-first federal state of the USA in 1850, it was already a multicultural society. 到1850年加利福尼选举成为美国的第31个联邦州时,它已经成为一个有多种文化的社会了,6. True or false? A lot of adventurers achieved their dream of becoming rich,Few,F,7. Translation. 尽管条件艰苦,大多数人还是留在了加利福尼亚劳作谋生。 Most remained in California to make a life for themselves despite great hardships,4. Later arrivals and most recent arrivals,1860s,Late 19th century,1911,By the 1920s,Early 20th century,Early 1900s / 1942-1945,1970s,Recent decades,5. The future,_ is believed that _ the _ of nationalities will be _ great _ there will be _ distinct major racial or cultural groups, _ simply a _ of many races and cultures,It,before long,mix,so,that,no,but,mixture,What will happen in the future,Why is California such a multicultural community in the 21st century? Explain in your own words. Write three or four sentences. _ _ _,California is a multicultural state because European, African and Asian people have been immigrating to the state for the last 200 years. Before their arrival, native American people had lived there for thousands of years. People from all over the world are still coming to settle in California because of its good climate and the lifestyle it offers,Suggested version,1. Revise your composition. 2. Finish Exercise 1 and 2 on Page 3,Thank you!Thank you
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