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人教版四年级英语期中复习总结一、 必考单词1. 名词类(物品):classroom window blackboard light picture door teachers desk computer fan wall floor schoolbag toy key notebook hair shoe glasses candy fish bowl名词类的单词有是否可数的区别,所以要牢记可数名词单数变复数的规则。重点记忆:toy-toys(复数) key-keys(复数) candy-candies(复数);鞋子shoes和眼镜glasses一般都是成对出现的,它们后面的谓语动词(一般是be动词)多用are; notebook不属于书,而属于文具用品类。名词前用a或an表示“一”“一个”的选用:a用于辅音音素前,an用于元音音素前。重点记忆:an apple, an egg, an orange, an eraser, an English book2. 名词类(书目):maths book English book Chinese book storybook书目类的名词变复数,直接在book后加“s”, 同时在句子中出现的时候,注意主谓一致原则,要选用适当的be动词(am, is, are)3. 形容词(形容人或物品的性质、特征等的词,一般翻译后具有“的”字意味)strong friendly quiet tall thin short fat cute lost丢失的特殊的形容词(形容词性的物主代词):my your his her its (此类代词后一般需要接名词)3. 动词类(具有动作意味的词): lost 弄丢 help guess动词一般要根据不同的人称变换形式,特别是主语为单三人称时,谓语动词要变为对应的单三形式。如:I have a pen. / You have a pen. / She has a pen. / He has a pen. 主语是单三人称时,动词have变为has5. 介词类(介绍方位,时间等) in on under near at 6. 连接词: or, 表示选择疑问 “还是?”二、 必考短语near the window near your pencil box an English book blue and white tall and strong in your desk on your English book under your schoolbag 三、 必考句型陈述句 I/We have a new classroom/ schoolbag / friend. There are two chairs. / There is a computer on the desk.Its blue and white. / Its near the window.She has long hair./ My friend has blue shoes. / He has big eyes and a small nose.His shoes are blue. / He is tall and thin.They are my friends storybooks.Youre right.感叹句Here it is! 回答:Thank you very much! Good night! 祈使句Open the door. Turn on the light.Close the window. Put up the picture.Lets go and see. Let me help you.Let me clean the desk. Look at the blackboard.Clap your hands!各种疑问句特殊疑问句(回答必须具体,问什么答什么)以what引导的,询问是“什么”What is in the classroom? (回答是什么物品,如:Many desks and chairs.)What is in your schoolbag?(回答有什么物品,如:Three keys and an English book.)What is her/his/its name?(回答是什么名字,如: Her name is Chen Jie./ His name is Zhang Peng./ Its name is Zip.)What is your uncles job?(回答是什么工作,如:He is a driver.)What color is it? /What color are they?(回答是什么颜色,如:Its red./ They are green.)以where引导的,询问方位“在哪里”Where is it?/ Where is my pencil?/ Where is my seat? /Where are they?回答物品在哪里即可,如:It is over there./ Its near the window./ They are in my desk.以who 引导的,询问人的身份,“是谁”Who is he/ she ? (回答人的名字或身份即可,如: He is Mike. / She is my mother.以how many引导的,询问物品的数量How many storybooks do you have? / How many books can you see?回答数量即可,如:I have three storybooks./ Three.一般疑问句(回答要么是肯定,要么是否定,但是主语和谓语动词要保持数的一致)以be动词(am/is/are)引导的主语为第一人称,如:Am I right? 肯定回答:Yes, you are right. 否定回答:No, You are not.主语为第二人称,如:Are you a student?肯定回答:Yes, I am. 否定回答:No,Im not.主语为第三人称单数,如:Is he tall? / Is he Wu Yifan?肯定回答:Yes, he is.否定回答:No, he isnt.主语为复数人称,如:Are they friendly?肯定回答:Yes, they are.否定回答:No, they arent. Are you students?肯定回答:Yes, we are. 否定回答:No, we arent.选择疑问句(选择回答问题中的其中一个)如:A boy or girl? -A boy. Do you like red or green?-Green.语音部分主要掌握元音字母a, I, o在相对开单节和闭音节当中的发音区别原则:在相对开音节(辅音+元音+辅音+不发音的字母e)中,元音字母都发其本身的音。即a发/ei/, i发/a/, o发/如:/ei/: cake, face, name, make, date, hate(a-e)/a/: like, kite, five, nine, rice, fine, nice(i-e)/; nose, note, coke, Mr. Jones, home, hope, rose(o-e)以上单词都是相对开音节的单词在闭音节(辅音+元音+辅音)中,元音字母都发其对应的短元音,即:a发/ /, i发/ /, o发/ /如:/ /:cat, dad, hat, cap, map/ /: big, six, pig, it/ /: not, lot, hot, box, dog, lost, mom:
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