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Beijing,Paris,London,England,It _my birthday_Saturday .,was,on,We _ _Buckingham Palace .,were,at,Unit 2 Ive got a new friend,1.How old is Amy? She is still eight. 2.When will she be nine ? She will be nine in April. 3.Is Beijing cold? The weather in Beijing isnt cold. 4.Who is her new friend? Her new friend is Lingling. 5.Does Lingling has long hair? No, shes got short, black hair. 6.Who is in the photo? Lingling and Amy.,Where does live ?,She lives in Mexico.,He lives in America.,She lives in India.,Anita,Indrani,John,I am from Mexico .,I am from India.,be from 来自,I am American.,I am from _.,美国人,美国,America,China,England,America,Russia,Chinese,English,American,Russian,国家,国家人,国家的,国家语言,Where does live?,He lives in China.,She lives in India.,He lives in Mexico.,Where _you live ?,I _in,do,live,A. do,B. does,A. live,B. lives,What is she doing?,She is reading a book.,What is he doing?,He is singing.,What is he doing?,He is playing basketball.,Vocabulary,soon不久 I will be back soon. tell告诉 Lucy tells Amy something about London. still仍然 I am still eight. April四月 My birthday is in April.,Vocabulary,dancing舞蹈 I like dancing. also也 I also like singing. American美国人 I am American.,Homework (作业),1.P46 Module1单词,每个写五遍,写在家庭作业本上,下节课上课听写所有单词。 2.熟读书上P4第一部分的信件,达到背诵的程度,模仿写一封信。 3.复习本模块中的句型: where does she/he live? She/he lives Ive got a It was my birthday on Saturday. We were at Buckingham Palace.,
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