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19第八讲 省略句的翻译The translation of elliptical sentencesComplete sentences in Chinese translated into English elliptical sentences1. 要注意你的一言一行。Mind your ps and qs. 2. 你是傻子?你才一点不傻呢!You foolish? Not a bit of it.Chinese elliptical sentences translated into English elliptical sentences1. 必要的话,我可以马上离开。If necessary, Ill be leaving at once.2. 遇到困难,可找我帮助。When in trouble, turn to me for help.Chinese elliptical sentences translated into English complete sentences1. 大伙劝他歇歇,他不。They all advised him to have a rest, but he wouldnt listen.课堂练习1. 好久不见了。2. 怎么啦? 小伙子!找下个对象没有?3. 怕不能去。4. 他有自己的打算,但不愿意向别人谈论。5. 多年来一直喝这种苦药,我真是喝够了。6. “她怎么啦? ” 又饿又急,昏过去了。7. 这件事你不懂,就别在操心了。8. 她找着了就送过来。9. 妈不像您,见钱就忘了命。10严重吗? 不,只是胃有点疼。一定是吃多了。1. 好久不见了。I havent seen you for ages.Long time no see2. 怎么啦? 小伙子!找下个对象没有?What about it young man? Have you found yourself a girl yet?How are you doing, young man/lad? Have you found a girl friend yet?/a girl friend for you would-be wife?/a girl friend after your heart?/a partner 20for marriage?/a girl to your hearts content.3. 怕不能去。Im afraid I shant be able to go.4. 他有自己的打算,但不愿意向别人谈论。He has her plans, but doesnt like to talk about then.5. 多年来一直喝这种苦药,我真是喝够了。For years Ive been taking this revolting medicine. Ive had more than enough of it already.Ive had nauseating/bitter decoction/herbal liquid for year. No more of it for me/Im fed up with it/I dont want to have even a drop of it.6. “她怎么啦? ” 又饿又急,昏过去了。Whats wrong with her? She is so hungry and troubled, She fainted.Shes fainted because of hunger and anxiety.She has been so hungry and over-worried that shes fainted./shes fallen into a swoon/shes gone off in a faint.7. 这件事你不懂,就别在操心了。You dont understand what its all about it. You neednt bother.Dont worry unduly about it any more. Youre not initiated in it. /You dont know anything there is to it. Stop worrying about it./ Dont trouble you head about it.8她找着了就送过来。If she finds it, shell sent it to you.9. 妈不像您,见钱就忘了命。Mother isnt like you. Show you a handful of coppers and youll break your neck to get at it.10. 严重吗? 不,只是胃有点疼。一定是吃多了。Anything serious? No, just a slight pain in the stomach. Must have eaten to much.
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