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A abierto - open abundante - abundant aburrido - boring activo - active afligido - afflicted agradable - agreeable agradecido - grateful alegre - happy alto - tall, high amable - friendly anciano - elderly anglico - angelic anterior - previous antiguo - old antiptico - mean, not nice aparte - apart apenas - barely aplicable - applicable apropiado - appropriate apto - apt aterrador - apalling atltico - athletic atrevido - bold ausente - absent autntico - authentic azulado - bluish B bajo - short (height) barato - cheap bendito - blessed bienvenido - welcome bilinge - bilingual bonito - pretty bruto - brute bueno - good C caliente - hot cansado - tired caprichoso - quirky caro - expensive central - central cerrado - closed cclico - cyclical cvico - civic civilizado - civilized claro - clear clsico - classic cmico - comical cmodo - comfortable confundido - confused conocido - known contento - content corto - short (length) correcto - correct cuidadoso - careful chico - small chocante - shocking Our software to help you learn Spanish: Click on the links below for more information: StartSpanish | Spanish Whiz | Travel Spanish D dbil - weak decente - decent delgado - thin delicioso - delicious desconocido - unknown descubierto - uncovered despreciable - despicable destructible - destructible difcil - difficult digestible - digestible digital - digital digno - dignified divertido - entertaining divino - divine dcil - docile dogmtico - dogmatic dominante - dominant dulce - sweet duro - hard, difficult E econmico - cheap educado - polite eficaz - effective egosta - selfish elegante - elegant elemental - elementary elevado - elevated elocuente - eloquent elusivo - elusive embarazada - pregnant emocionante - exciting encantado - enchanted encerado - waxed encerrado - locked up enrgico - energetic enfermo - sick enorme - enormous envidiable - enviable envidioso - envious escaso - scarce escrito - written espantoso - scary especial - special espeso - thick estupendo - wonderful eventual - eventual evidente - evident excelente - excellent exquisito - exquisite extra - extra extranjero - foreign extremo - extreme F fabuloso - fabulous falso - false famoso - famous familiar - familiar fantstico - fantastic fatal - fatal favorito - favorite federal - federal femenino - feminine feliz - happy feo - ugly frtil - fertile fiel - loyal financiero - financial flagrante - flagrant flexible - flexible flojo - loose fnico - phonic formidable - formidable franco - frank fro - cold frito - fried frvolo - frivolous fuerte - strong fundido - melted G gastado - spent, worn out general - general genrico - generic generoso - generous gentico - genetic genio - genius geritrico - geriatric glorioso - glorious gordo - fat gran - grand grande - big gratis - free grave - grave, serious grosero - boorish guapo - handsome H hbil - able hablado - spoken hambriento - hungry hecho a mano - handmade helado - frozen hermtico - airtight hermoso - beautiful, gorgeous histrico - historical honesto - honest horrible - horrible humano - human hmedo - humid I ignorante - ignorant ilegal - illegal ilegible - illegible ilgico - illogical iluminado - illuminated imaginario - imaginary impaciente - impatient impar - uneven, odd impenetrable - impenetrable imperdonable - inexcusable imparcial - impartial importante - important imprudente - imprudent inalmbrico - wireless incalculable - incalculable incoherente - incoherent incmodo - uncomfortable incomparable - incomparable incompatible - incompatible incompetente - incompetent incompleto - incomplete inconveniente- inconvenient incorrecto - incorrect incrasto - incremous incrdulo - incredulous indebido - improper indefinido - undefined indecente - indecent indgena - native indivisible - indivisible indito - unpublished infantil - childish infeccioso - infectious infiel - unfaithful injusto - unjust inteligente - intelligent interesante - interesting inquieto - active(hyper) invisible - invisible irritable - irritable J joven - young judicial - judicial juguetn - playful juicioso - wise juntos - together jurado - sworn justo - just juvenil - youthful Our software to help you learn Spanish: Click on the links below for more information: StartSpanish | Spanish Whiz | Travel Spanish L lamentable - lamentable largo - long lavable - washable lejano - far away lento - slow libre - free limpio - clean liso - smooth listo - smart, ready loco - crazy lgico - logical luminoso - luminous luntico - lunatic
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