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英语六级 1、提纲式作文冲刺:如何看待在校大学生结婚的问题1)、国家允许在校学生结婚2)、在校学生结婚对本人的影响3)、你的观点(本人认为在校生的结婚行为不应加以禁止,但也不应该提倡,毕竟在校生的主要目的是学习,结婚势必会影响学业,相信目前绝大部分的学生都会理性的看待这一问题)参考范文There is a newly dissension putting forward these days: Is it legally allowed for Chinese on-campus students to get married before they complete their courses? Some people prefer yes while some others prefer no. Certainly a large number of people just cannot decide which side they should be stand.In fact, the governments allow on-campus students to get married before they complete their course. There isn t a regulation proclaimed in writing to forbid marriage of on-campus students. But it must affect those triers.In my opinion, it is unnecessary to forbid on-campus students to get married before they finished their college, however, it shouldn t be advocated or encouraged. BECause, for on-campus students, their play the role as learners. Their main task is to learn. If they married, their school work must be affected and they may not graduate favorably or may not be capable for future works. So, I believe: almost all on-campus students would deal with the question reasoningly.3、提纲式作文:出国留学on overseas study1)、现在每年有学生出国留学2)、有人觉得留学是个人发展的最好选择,而有人认为在国内也有好的发展。3)、你的看法参考范文on overseas studyRecent years, more and more Chinese people have chosen to study abroad. To this tendency, some people think it is not good, as most of the overseas learners do not come back, whereas I hold a different opinion.In my opinion, it is a good thing that more Chinese people go abroad. There are three reasons. First, the overseas learners can improve their ability through the study. They can grasp advanced technologies and their language ability can be improved as well. Second, with the rapid development of China, more and more overseas learners will choose come back, using their abundant knowledge studied abroad to serve for the motherland. The third, the government and most domestic enterprises are willing to provide favorable treatments to attract them to come back.Although some do not want to come home, we are glad to see that there are more overseas learners chosen to work at home than before. For the above reasons, I think it is not a bad thing for more and more Chinese study abroad.4、提纲式作文:Private Tutoring1)、家长为孩子聘请家教目前在社会上非常普遍2)、为孩子聘请家教的利弊3)、你的看法参考范文There is more than one way to Rome, so is the way of tutoring. Nowadays many parents prefer to a private mentor for their children rather than step-by step study in school. Is it helpful? Or is it harmful?Someone argue that it will destroy the systematic course established by school teacher. It would increase children s dependency on unnecessary crutch. The worst situation may appear when all trust in public school staff were deprived by those part-time-job hunter.To be honest, I m inclined to disaGREe with these opinions. First of all, another way for textbook interpreting would give children another kind of viewpoint. It would be good at training their critical spirit form the very beginning. On the other side of the coin, absolute authority may be the most undiscoverable enemy during elementary phase for school education. Competiton from outside could change the teacher-oriented status.Love is preferance. Preferable choices provide much qualified option. At least the muli-access tutoring is not an access full of thorn.六级考前必背11篇作文及范文1.网络和谐1.随着社会和经济发展,网络成为了每个人必不可少的获取信息的工具2.但是,在网络上也出现了一些不和谐的因素,如垃圾信息,黄色网站,虚假新闻,网络炒作等。3.如何采取措施制止和消除这些现象。The advent of the Internet ushered in a new era of interpersonal communications and business operations. Undoubtedly, the Net are revolutionizing the daily lives of the people who have an access to it. The primary reason behind the Internet boom roots in its multifunction. It provides a vehicle for netizens to shop, search, publish blogs and browse WebPages.A range of problems lurking behind the frenzy of Internet impressively stand out. A vast majority of Internet users mail boxes are saturated with junk mails, an issue which sparks strong criticism and generates the loss of corporate productivity. Its not alone. Porn websites lure a growing number of young peoples visits. False news via the e-mail, BBS and chat room increasingly poses a threat to the social prosperity and stability.To crack down them, we should push for a more effectively tough law. We should join our forces to launch a nation-wide campaign, including imposing stiff penalties on spammers, shutting down or blocking the lewd sites and introducing a real-name registration system to curb fraudulent messages. We can fully believe that our combined efforts will reap rewards. A clean cyberspace will paint our lives more colorfully. An economically booming and technologically advanced global web will play a vital role in the national economic and cultural advancement.2.美德问题:1.美德有很多种,如勤奋,认真,耐心,公正,互助等。
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