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2011中考英语考前错题本 (E字母篇)each 【误】 Every of them has his habit. 【正】 Each of them has his habit.【析】 each可以作形容词,但也可作代词,而every只能作形容词。【误】 The manager comes to America almost each month.【正】 The manager comes to America almost every month.【析】 each与every都作形容词讲时,都有每个之意,但有不同。each多指个体,而every则多指整体。如:We want every student to succeed. each不同来表达总体概念,所以不能与almost, nearly, likely等词连用。【误】 We each has a book.【正】 We each have a book.【析】 each 作同位语时,其数应与其同位的名词相同,而each作主语时则应取其单数形式。 each other one another each other与one another这两个词组的区别在很多语法书中强调each other是两者之间,而one another是多者之间,其实不然,如:All students must care for each other, must love and help each other. 事实上这两个词组是同义的,如果要讲有什么区别的话,当我们非常笼统地谈,而不特指什么人时,多用one another.early 【误】 Could you come here more early?【正】 Could you come here earlier?【析】 单音节和少数双音节副词的比较级和最高级要用er和est来作其结尾,如fast, soon, early, hard, long, near等。earth 【误】 What on the earth do you mean?【正】 What on earth do you mean?【析】 on earth这一词组在句中为的是加强语气,其意为究竟、到底。而作为地球讲时则要加定冠词,如:How far is the earth from the moon. 而作为泥土讲时则为不可数名词,如:He filled the pot with earth and wanted to plant some flowers.easy 【误】 You can easy imagine my surprise.【正】 You can easily imagine my surprise.【析】 easy只在有限的词组中被用作副词,如take it easy (不要紧张),go easy, stand easy等。 例如:Easy come, easy go. (钱来的容易花的也快. )Easier said than done. (说的容易做着难。) east 【误】 Japan is on the east of China.【正】 Japan is to the east of China.【析】 在讲述地理位置时,有3个介词常用,它们是in, on和to, 其中in表示处于所表达的范围之内,如:Shanghai is in the east of China. on则表示双方接壤,如:North Korea is on the northeast of China. 而表示互不相接的两部分时则用to, 如:Taiwan is to the east of Fujian.either 【误】 -I dont like opera.-I dont like too. 【正】 -I dont like opera.-I dont like either. 【析】 在否定句中用either表示也,而在肯定句中用too表示也。【误】 Either you or I are right.【正】 Either you or I am right.【析】 这在语法书中被称作就近原则,即哪个主语离谓语动词近,则应采用与哪个主语相一致的谓语动词,相同用法的还有neithernor,not onlybut also,以及or在连接两个主语时。如:You or he is to go home. The others will have to stay in the classroom.elder 【误】 My older brother has gone to Shanghai.【正】 My elder brother has gone to Shanghai.【析】 在表示兄姐的长幼时应用elder表示哥哥姐姐,如:my elder sister 姐姐,但表示岁数时则多用older,如:She is two years older than I.empty 【误】 Are these seats empty?【正】 Are these seats taken?【析】 empty是指空洞的没有任何物体,如:The house was empty, 其意思是没有任何家具或屋内无人。但座位是否有人坐应用take.English 【误】 My sister studied English language very well.【正】 My sister studied the English language very well.【正】 My sister studied English very well.【析】 在泛指某一种学科时,不应加冠词,如:I like history.但如特指某一门学科时则应加冠词,如:He likes the history of America.enjoy 【误】 I enjoy to play football.【正】 I enjoy playing football.【析】 enjoy后要接动名词,而不接不定式。【误】 Did you enjoy at the English evening?【正】 Did you enjoy yourself at the English evening?enough 【误】 Im sorry. You are not studying enough carefully.【正】 Im sorry. You are not studying carefully enough.【析】 enough要用在形容词或副词之后。【误】 Do you have enough of money?【正】 Do you have enough money?【正】 Do you have enough of the money?【误】 The coffee isnt enough.【正】 There isnt enough coffee.【析】 enough可以作be动词的表语,但其主语应是代词,如:Thats enough. It was enough. 如果是名词时应换用上面的句型。entrance 【误】 The entrance of the cinema is on your right.【正】 The entrance to the cinema is on your right.【析】 在表示通往某处时entrance后面多用to作介词。这样的用法还有key to the door, answer to the question等。evening 【误】 I walked home in a cold evening.【正】 I walked home on a cold evening.【析】 in the evening这一词组如加上另外的修饰词则其介词应换为on.everyone 【误】 Everyone of you goes to class.【正】 Every one of you goes to class.【析】 everyone其后不能接of结构。在否定句中如果要讲每一个人都没有注意到它,就译作:Nobody noticed it. 要注意Every one of us is not right. 应译为我们不都对。而None of us are right. 才应译为我们全错了。exam 【误】 We take part in an exam.【正】 We take an exam.【析】 take part in为参加某种活动,运动,而在学科中选择某一学科学习并进行考试应用take.except 【误】 The room is clean except two desks.【正】 The room is clean except for two desks.【误】 I come here every day except for Sunday.【正】 I come here every day except Sunday.【析】 在同一类物体中排除某一部分用except, 在不同类物体中排除某一物体时用except for。而except that其后接从句,如:She is a good girl except that she is careless sometimes. 而besides则是包括在内,如我学习英语同时还学法语。应译为:I study English besides French.exercise 【误】 The students exercise spoken English in the morning.【正】 The students practise spoken English in the morning.【析】 exercise多指运动、训练,而practise则多指把理论付诸于实践的练习。【误】 Everyone should do exercises every day.【正】 Everyone should do exercise every day.【析】 作为运动讲exercise是不可数名词,而当练习、体操、早操则是可数名词,例如:I do a lot exercises in the P.E. class.
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