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济南市高三教学质量调研英语试题(五)组题人:戴恩云 郭明方 李玉刚 尹军 张冬丽 高三英语组 2011.01第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21Quancheng Square is one of _ largest in China, _second to Tiananmen SquareAthe; the Bthe: a C/; the Dthe; /22_ the Atlantic Ocean crosses the equator, the trade winds cause a flow of water to the westAThat BWhen CWhere DThough23As the famous saying _, two heads are better than oneAmentions Bgoes Ctells Dinstructs24The party will start at 7: 00 sharpCome earlier _AGood ideaBYoure rightCI think soDI will25I bought a dress on sale for only 20 dollars; it was really a good _AdealBexchangeCtradeDbusiness26Im afraid Im not _ to help with the show, for I am fully occupied with my own projectAacceptableBadaptableCavailableDaccessible27Liu Xiang trained hard before the Asian Games in Guangzhou, and it _He won thegold medal in 110 meters hurdlesAworked outBpaid offCmarked outDgot through28I dont drink now, but I _ for almost ten yearsAever drank Bwas ever drinking Chave ever drunk Dhad ever drunk29-Who is the man talking to MrSmith?- A local journalist _ what has happened in our companyAcovers Bis covering Ccovered Dcovering30Tom is not _ he was in the situation _ he was pessimisticAwhere; when Bwhat; where Cthat; in which Dwhat; that31-Who is making so much noise outside?- _ our neighbors kidsAThey are BThere are CThat is DIt is32Do you know Herbie? Im always running into him; he _ live nearbyAwould Bneed Cmust Dshould33-Now more and more Chinese senior students are applying for admission to American universities through SAT-_But taking an SAT may cost more than 10,000 yuanAThats the case BNot really CI hope so DThat sounds reasonable34His sister has become a doctor, _ is what he wants to be Awho Bwhose Cthat Dwhich35Greatly moved by the movie, _ Atears came to the audiences eyesBthe audience could hardly hold back tears Ctears could hardly be held backDthe audiences eyes were filled with tears第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Several times on my way to work, I passed a gentleman who I supposed homelessHe had a lot of his possessions 36 down to his bike and held a cardboard sign that said he was a 37 who doesnt drink or do drugs, but would 38 anything that could be givenHe usually has 39 on and is listening to the radioHe is always 40 his own business, often reading 41 Ive never seen him 42 “begging”Several times, while I was 43 him, I realized I had some food with me, so I turned 44 and offered him that foodHe took off his headphones, and said, “Umm, blueberry muffins are my 45 !” with a big smile and a gleam in his 46 He thanked me so 47 The graciousness(有礼貌) and humbleness(谦逊) of his 48 makes me want to continue to stop by with “ 49 ” of food, money or other giftsIn the past, Ive met 50 folks who 51 the food I was offering, saying that they wanted only money insteadSo this wonderful gentleman being so open to receiving has been a 52 It also makes me think how 53 I am to receiving in my life - am I humble and grateful when I am 54 with something? Sometimes yes, sometimes no, but 55 as gracious, humble and sincere as this wonderful man has been in receiving36Atied Bpulled Cattached Dmatched37Atourist Bgentleman CbeggarDvet38Atake Bappreciate Crefuse Dconsider39AlightsBheadphonesCcardboardsDradios40AmanagingBcaringCmindingDinspecting41Aas well Bin case Cin vainDunderway42AdesperatelyBfrequentlyCcurrentlyDactively43ApassingBwitnessingCconcerningDtreating44AoffBdownCaboutDaround45Afavorites BtastesCexperiencesDaddiction46AbusinessBeyesCsignDlife47AwarmlyBspeciallyCenthusiasticallyDabsolutely48AprotectingBreceivingCofferingDdemanding49Alove Brelief CcontributionDsurprises50AfamiliarBnormalCsensitiveDhomeless51Aturned downBthrew awayCfitted inDfigured out52AsurpriseBblessingCdisguiseDhonor53AdependableBcriticalCtypicalDopen54AchargedBclaimedCgiftedDsatisfied55ApermanentlyBcommonlyCrarelyDeventually第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AA woman renewing her drivers license at the County Clerks office was asked to state her occupationShe hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself“What I mean is,” explained the recorder, “do you have a job, or are you just a ”“Of course I have a job,” said Emily“Im a mother”“We dont list mother as an occupation housewife covers it,” sa
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