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中考复习八年级下册学案备课:审核:审批:总编课时:8-B-学生:组别:组号P组长批阅:老师批阅:复习内容八年级下册Unit1 Will people have robots?学习目标掌单兀重要的单词,短语和句型重点难点短语和一般将来时态,及含there be的将来时态学法指导记忆单元重点单词,写出并记住列出的各知识点,明白各题出题方向。、重点短语do choresfew-(比较级)-(最高级)pleasant (反义词)take-(过去式)(过去分词)the same asin the futuretry to do sthnext year /last yearhundreds of去滑冰/游泳1. will do =be going to do2. little-(比较级)-(最高级)3. many/much (比较级)-(最高级)4. fly-(过去式)(过去分词)5. be able to6. come true7. try one s best to do sth8. fall asleep9. make sb do sth10. fall in love with sth/ sb.二、重点句子1. People will live to be 200 years old.人们将来可以活到 200 岁。一般将来时态肯定陈述句:主+will+V。否定陈述句:主+won Y+V。一般疑问句:Will +主+V?2. There will be fewer cars.未来汽车会更少。含 There be 的将来时态: There will be + 名词;There is going to be + 名词。 There wont be + 名 词;There isnt going to be + 名词。 Will there be + 名词? Is there going to be + 名词?3. I think I ll be a reporter in ten years.十年之后,我想成为一名记者。在含will的句中,常见的时间有 in the future,in +时间段练习1. will they return for holiday?In a month.A. How longB. How soonC. How often2. My father will be back from Beijing a week.A. forB. inC. after3. Why dont you have a notebook with you?-I ve it at home.A. lostB. forgottenC. left4. Children shouldnt be angry their parents.A. atB. toC. with5. He will come back a week.26A. inB. afterC. before6. Nine pounds a week? Thats very good.A. hundred ofB. hundreds ofC.hundred7. -pollution in 100 years?No, there won t.A. Will there beB. Are thereC. Is there8. What?- I want to bean engineer.A. are you going todoB. are you goingto beC. will you be9. Well have free time and work. We ll be very busy.A. less; moreB.more; fewerC. more; less10. I need to get money to pay summer camp.A. forB. withC. on11. He doesnt have any money,.A. tooB. alsoC. neither12. There(be) 45 students in our class last term.13. there (be) more students in our class next term?14. I cant (have) any pet cats because my mother(hate) them.15. The pupils(not go) to school next Monday. they_ (visit) the Science Museum.16. (teach) is hard work.17. Its easy (study) math well.out of style (反义) pay for sthfrom - to by oneselfcomplain about sthget on well with sbtell sb to do sth中考复习八年级下册学案、重点短语备课:审核:审批:总编课时:8-B-学生:组别:组号组长批阅:老师批阅:复习内容八年级下册Unit 2 what should I do ?学习目标掌握二单兀重要的单词,短语和句型重点难点短语和问情况,用 should提建议。学法指导记忆单元重点单词,写出并记住列出的各知识点,明白各题出题方向。1. argue with sb2. to one s surprise3. nothing new4. different from5. as quickly as possible6. different kinds of7. ask sb for sth.8. take sb totake part in9. have a walk =take a walk = go for a walk10. enjoy oneself=enjoy doing =have fun doing=have a good time to do sth二、重点句子1. What s up?怎么回事?、有什么事?”、近来可好?”用于口语,亲密的朋友间打招呼怎么样”最近过得怎么样? ”有什么新消息?你好吗?怎么了”发生什么啦”,绝大多数时候这只是相当于嗨! ,回答也往往只是“Nothing.(没什么。)2. What happened ?发生什么事了 ? 3. What s wrong with sb /sth ?4. He doesnt have any money, either.他也没有钱。either, too 和 also 者B是 “也,样“ 。 either 用在, too 用在和also用在5. I dont know what to do .我不知道该怎么办。what to do和how to do +名词都是放在 know后面,作 know的宾语。其结构可以归纳为6. It s time foo mework.该做作业了。Its time for sth 表示 “该做 了。“ 其另一结构写作: 三、练习1. There are many birds.A. on the treeB. in the tree2. Miss Green didnt tell us.A. where does she live B. where she lives3. Could you give me on studying English?A. an adviceB. some adviceC. at the treeC. where she liveC. some advices4. Sam was reading a newspaper his brother fell on the ground.A. whenB. whetherC. if5. I my homework as soon as I get home.A. doB. will doC. am doing6. I would like to call him to invite him to my birthday party.7. Some teachers often complain about(teach) these tired kids in the classroom.8. Children need time and(free) to do what they want.9. 前天她同她最好的朋友争吵了。She her best friend the day before yesterday.10. 我需要一些钱给父母买礼物。I need some money gifts for my parents11. 我认为你应该找份兼职工作。I think youa part-time job.12. 我们应该与人和睦相处。We _ _ _ _ with others.13. 我五岁时爱上了画画。I_ _ painting when I was five.中考复习八年级下册学案一、重点短语1. get out (of sth.)2. look out3. take off4. come in5. as as6. shout at sb7. be surprised at sth8. on the earth9. in front of 二、重点句子1. It was raining when the plane landed in London. 本单元重点记住含 when, whilekeep out (of sth)take out the trashrun awaytake placebe good at = do well in not- -. at allhear about/of sthin historyin the front of 内) _(当飞机在伦敦着陆时,天正在下雨。(23页)+was/were + Ving,主+ 一般过去式。的时间状语从句,它们的用法可以公式化成: +主主+was/were + Ving,+ 主 + 一般过去式。备课:审核:审批:总编课时:8-B-学生:组别:组号组长批阅:老师批阅:复习内容八年级下册 Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?学习目标掌握三单兀重要的单词,短语和句型重点难点短语和when和while的时间状语从句。学法指导记忆单元重点单词
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