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2018年人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册复习资料大全Unit 1 How can I get there、重点单词:museum n.博物馆(museum shop博物馆商店 Palace Museum 故宫博物院) bookstore n.书店 cinema n.电影院 science n.科学 (science museum#学博物馆)crossing n.十字路口hospital n.医院 post office n.由B局restaurant n饭馆street n. sir n.先生称呼Mr.先生Mrs.夫人Miss.小姐,后面加姓pizza n.披萨 feature n.特点、特征 turn v.转弯ask v.问 get v.至U达give v.给(give sb sth给某人某物/give sth to sb把某物给某人)follow v.跟随、跟着 tell v.告诉(tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事)interesting adj.有趣的(反义词boring无聊的)far adj.较远的(反义词near近的)left adv.向左 right Italian adj.意大利的 二、重点短语:post office 由B局go straight 直走 in front of.在.前面 over there在那边三、惯用表达式:adv.向右 straight adv笔直地Italian restaurant 意大利餐馆)science museum# 学博物馆turn right/left 右 /左转near the park在公园附近behind the hospital 在医院后面get to至U达next to挨着far from here离这里很远Follow me, please 请跟着我!Let s go!我们走吧Excuse me 打扰一下劳驾Can you help me?尔可以帮助我吗?四、公式化句型:1、问路的句型及其答语:问句:Where is the +地点?一在哪儿?答语:Its +表示地点的词语。它 next to the bookstore, near the hospital/post office, over there, on Dongfang Street, in front of the school.2、询问怎么到某地的句型及其答语:问句:How can +主语 + get (to)+地点?一怎么到一? 同义句型:Can you tell me the way to +ft 点?Where is + 地点?Which is the way to + 地点?答语:Turn +方向+表示地点的介词短语。一转at the cinema at the corner near the post office.I m sorry,I dont know. 或 I have no ide4.3、表示谢意:Thank you very much. Thank you all the same 仍然谢谢你。Thanks a lot. Thanks anyway.不管怎样都谢谢你。四种回答方式:Youre welcome! It s my pleasure. Thats all right. Not at all.4、感叹句:表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情时用感叹句。感叹句分为两种,一种以what引导,一种以how引导。句尾用感叹号“! ”。用降调。句型(1) what + a/an + 形容词+单数可数名词+陈述句(主语+谓语)what+形容词+复数可数名词/不可数名词+陈述句(主语+谓语)What a great museum! What a beautiful city it is !What a clever boy he is!(1)How+形容词/副词+陈述句(主语+谓语)(2 ) How+陈述句(主语+谓语)(3) How+形容词+a/an+单数可数名词+陈述句(主语+谓语)How clever the boy is! How hot it is today !How hard he works! How he loves his son!5、序数词表示第几的数词,叫做序数词,一般情况前面加定冠词the第一 first 第二 second 第三 third 第四 fourth 第五 fifth 第六 sixth第七 seventh 第八 eighth 第九 ninth 第十 tenth第H- eleventh 第十二twelfthThe second is better than the first.May 5th,2008She always the first in the exam.At first在开始first of all首先,首要的是五例句:Where is the cinema, please?请问电影院在哪里?Its next to the hospital.它与医院相邻。Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. I ts on the left.在电影院向左转,然后直行。它在左边。Turn left at the bank在银行左转。Go straight for three mintues走三分钟Excuse md Is there a cinema near here?扰一下,这附近有电影院吗? 六、主题写作:范文How to Get to the Science MuseumWe are going to the science museum tomorrow.The science museum is next to the hospital.It s not far from our school.So we can go there on foot.First,go straight from our school.Next,turn left at the post office and walk for about five minutes.Then turn right at the bookstore.We can find the hospital on the right.Walk straight,and well see the science museum.练习 阅读理解(判断对或错XI am a student . I like reading a book .Every week , I go to Xinhua bookstore . Usually I go by bus , but sometimes I go by bike . I know the traffic lights are the same in every country .Red means stop . Yellow means wait and green means go . But some traffic rules are different in some country . We should remember the traffic rules .( )1. Every week I go to the park .( )2. I often go to Xinhua bookstore by bus .( )3.Traffic lights are the same in every country .( )4. Traffic rules are the same in every country .( )5.We shouldnt remember the traffic rules .Unit 2 Ways to go to school、主要单词:bus n.公共汽车plane n.飞机 subway n.地铁trainn.火车taxi n.出租车 ship n.大船(boat n.小船)sled n.雪橇ferry n.轮渡helmet n.头盔traffic n.交通 attentionn.注意slow adj.慢的fast adj.快的(反义词slow) early adj早的(反义词late)stop v.停下(stop doing sth.停止做某事 stop to do sth停下来去做某事)must v.必须、务必(情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,后面+do,否定形式+not)can v.能、可以(表示能力)will v.将要、将会或常用于第二人称作主语的疑问句中,表示对对方的请求 shall v.应该或常用于第一人称作主语的疑问句中,表示对对方的请求、提议would v.愿意、将要、打算 常用于would like用法wear v.穿、戴(指衣服、帽子)always adv总是,一直 usually adv通常often adv经常sometimes adv.有时候never adv.从来不 down adv.减少降彳氐(反义词 up)by prep乘(表示乘坐方式,后面直接加交通工具,在句中做方式状语)常见国家:国家n.国家的、人的adj.中国ChinaChinese日本JapanJanpanese美国AmericaAmerican加拿大CanadaCanadian德国GermanyGerman苏格兰ScotlandScotchItalyItalian法国FranceFrench/Frenchman 人澳大利亚AustraliaAustralian印度IndiaIndian俄罗斯RussiaRussian英国England/the UK/BritainEnglish/Englishman 人人称变复数口诀:中日不变,英法变,其余S加后面。Frenchman-Frenchmen Englishman-Englishmen 二、重点短语:by bike/ bus/ plane/ subway/ train/ ship/ taxi/ ferry/ sled/ air 骑自行车/乘公共汽车/飞机/地铁/火车/船/出租汽车/渡轮/雪橇/飞机take the No.57 bus乘 57路公共汽车 on foot步行 slow down慢下来 pay attention to注意traffic lights 交通信号灯look right 向右看cross the roa删穿马路get off下车get to至U达get on上车at home在家traffic rules交通规则firstnext-then首先接下来然后on the left (right) side在左 (右) 边 on the other side在另一边 be far from表示离某地远be different from与不同三、惯用表达式: Wait!等一等! Hooray太好了 ! I see.我明白了。Its so
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