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新世纪版三年级上册英语Unit 4 Too Beautiful教育目标:1. 培养学生大方、得体的穿着、打扮习惯。2. 使学生初步掌握评价他人衣着的礼貌用语知识目标:基础目标:1. Words and expressionsFrom WonderlandFrom FarmlandFrom Grand Theatre*shirt* eraser*beautifulhatwhosefunny*coatT-shirt*toojacket*what colourtry ontrousersput ondress*shoesskirt2. Sentence patternsFrom FarmlandFrom Grand TheatreThis is not . This dress is not good.Whose is this eraser?Try on.3. 根据课文内容回答 Questions and Answers 中的问题,并根据实际情况回答 On your own 中的问题。4. Music Box掌握字母 g 和 h 在单词中的读音。通过复习含有/g/ , /h/ 音素的单词,让学生体会字母g, h 在单词中的发音, 强化并正确掌握/g/, /h/ 这两个音素。5. Disneyland本课中出现绕口令 Tommy Thumb勺第二段,第三课中已有第一段。可以在复习第一段的基础上引出新内容的教学,并且在吟诵过程中加上手指游戏,以增加趣味性。Difficult Points单词 trousers 比较难读,而且经常以复数形式出现。表示一条裤子的说法是: a pair of trousers发展目标:能正确、熟练地运用有关大小、颜色、特征等形容词来描述、评价服装及其他物品。能力目标:能用This is not Whose?组成对话进行初步交际。情感、策略和文化等有关目标:学会欣赏美,赞美别人,对别人的赞美表示感谢。教学资源:Student s book 3A P24P 30Cassette 3A Unit 4Student s workbook 3A P21P26Word and picture cards 3A Unit 4Teaching Transparencies 3A Unit 4Some clothes教学时间: 5 课时(每课3540 分钟)课时安排:建议本单元安排5 教时。第一课时: Wonderland & Language Lab第二课时:Farmland第三课时:Grand Theatre &Language Lab第四课时:Language Lab &Music Box第五课时:DisneylandLesson Plan ( 1 )ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-taskpreparationWarming-upRhyme: Tommy ThumbRevisionFree talkSay the rhyme in chorus.Talk about the favourite colour and tell the reason.1念首儿歌活 下课堂气氛,为学 习英语创设良好的 学习氛围。2讨论喜爱的颜色 为接卜来的新课做 准备。WhiletaskproceduresTask 1Fashion showTask 2Go to the fashion house.Task3 Colour the clothes.1. Learntheword“fashion ”2. Discuss what kind of clothes is the fashion.3. Invite the students who think their clothes are beautiful to have a fashion show.4. Learn the new words.1. Show a fashion house.There are a lot of nice clothes in it.2. Q: Which clothes do you like, why?1. Colour the clothes.2. Make a dialogue从实际生活出发, 请学生对当今的时 尚进行评论,并找 出班级里时髦的衣 服当场举行时装展 示会,在激发兴趣 的同时,自然引出 新课内容。学生在选购衣服的 同时对喜欢的衣物 作出评价,增加语 言的输出量。通过给服装着色并 加以评论来帮助学 生复习、巩固单词。according to it.Eg: A: Look at his/ her/ my/ xxs dress/shirt .B: How nice/ pretty/ beautiful ?Post-taskactivities1 . Finish Part 2 of Language Lab2. Try to recite some of the words.Spell the new wordsEncourage the students to recite some of the words.通过朗读和拼读能 在课堂中尽自己的 努力背诵出其中部 分单词。Lesson Plan ( 2 )ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-taskRevisionpreparation1. Review the1 Read and spell the words.通过对前一words about the课单词的复clothes.习巩固所学2. Free talk2. Talk about the favourite clothes.的知识。aboutthefavouriteclothes.WhiletaskTask 1procedures1. Find out1. Show a pencil and tell the students在完成寻找whose pencil isthat nobody knows whose it is.失物主人的it.2. Elicit the sentence “ This is not my过程中,学生pencil.用学到的语3. T: Is this your pencil?言描述真实S: No, this is not my pencil.的状况,达到4. Repeat the dialogue until finding the学习的目的。owner.通过练习掌Task 2Change the formof “This isnot ”1. Give the students an example:This is not a beautiful dress. fThis dress is not beautiful.2. Finish more exercises.握句型结构。通过设置的情景请学生1. Set a scene such as “in the编写对话并Task 3classroom ”.且进行表演,Make a dialogue2. Provide a model dialogue:用英语描述Eg: Mary: Whoseis this blue jacket? Is事物的状况,this your jacket, Mike?达到练习的Mike: No, this is not my jacket. My目的。jacket is yellow. Maybe its Toms.Toms jacket is blue.Mary: Is it your jacket, Tom?Tom: Yes, it is. Thank you very much.Mary: Youre welcome.3. Make a new one and act out it.Post-taskLearnthe1. Listen to the tape and repeat the学习课文内activitiesdialogues on thesentences.容,进一步了course book.2. Act out the dialogues.解所学句型的功能。 5
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