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(广州版)三年级英语下册教案Module 3 NationalitiesUnit 8 Where are they from?一、教学目标( Objectives ) :1. Language Knowledge ( 语言知识 ) :1 )能用英语准确地说出所学的国家国籍名称。2)学习句子:Where is he/she from? He /She s from He/She s Where are you from? I m from I m 2. Language Skill ( 语言技能 ) :1 )能用本节课的重点句型进行对话。2)能熟练运用本节句型进行交流活动。3. Emotional Attitude ( 情感态度 ) :在英语交流中,形成主动开口说英语的习惯,体验用英语做任务活动的兴趣。4. Learning Strategies ( 学习策略 ) :以在情景中理解、游戏中巩固、活动中交流的方式进行学习,并通过融入课文情景、小组同伴合作的方式发现问题,解决问题,最终与教师共同完成本课内容的学习。二、教学重点和难点:1. 重点:能在情景中运用 Where is he/she from? 和 Where are you from? 提问,并能准确回答。2. 难点: He/She s from + 国家 . 和 He/She s+ 国籍 . 两个答句的区别及应用。三、教学过程:(一) Revision1. Show the national flags, look and say.2. ChantHe is German, she s German too.I am Chinese, what about you?I am French, you re French too.I am American, what about you?(1) Chant together.(2) One by one.I am 。, what about you? (P1-P2 -.T- P7 )3. 引出 I m from China, where re you from?(1) One by one.(2) Practise in pairs.(3) Ask and answer. (T -P1-P2 )(二) DialogueIntroduce the people.Zhang Mai/Keiko/Steffi/Janet/Mrs WebbT: Here s a Wedding Party. This is Zhang Mai and this is Keiko. They will be married today.Look, who s the lady?(Mrs Webb) They re from different countries. Where are they from? Look and listen.Look at the video. 金太阳Matching Game. ( 分组合作,完成课文人物国家国籍的配对 )T: Where are they from? Let s match them.Check the answers.(师带生说 He/She s from. He/She s教学:both, we 并简单操练)Show the sentences.Where s he/she from?He s/she s from He s/She s (1) Make a model.Zhang Mai is from China. He s Chinese. What about other people?(2) Practise in pairs 。(3) Stand up and Say.(10 秒记住人物来自哪里,全班问,个别说,说对的上黑板将国旗贴在人物旁 )(4) Look and say “ where are they from? ” .Read the dialogue.Read after the teacher.Read the dialogue in groups.Read together.6. Sum-up. (点出 from+ 国家)(三) DevelopmentGuessing GameT: There are many famous people in the party. Who are they? Where are they from? Let guess!(通过风俗特色图片,渗透各国文化,猜出该人物来自哪个国家,Let s join the party.(找同伴游戏,看谁在婚宴上找到最多的同伴) 用心爱心专心3
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