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时文阅读理解:全球公共卫生事件 The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared (宣布) the new coronavirus (冠状病毒) outbreak a global public health emergency after the spread of the disease across the world.WHOmade the decisionin its third meeting aboutthe coronavirus, after it decided notto take such a stepin the first two meetings.Officially called a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), it is consideredto be a public health risk through the international spread of disease. It suggests a serious, suddenandunusual situation in which the world must act quickly.Since 2009, there have been a fewglobal health emergencies, including the 2009 swine flu pandemic(猪流感)and the 2014 outbreak of ebolain West Africa.The newcoronavirus has got attentionbecause of its similarity to SARSwhich killed about800 people across the world in 2002-2003. So far, the new coronavirus does not seemto be as deadly as SARS, but there have been more cases.Its declaration could cause trade and travel restrictions(限制). Those who have made holiday plans might have their plans affected(受影响的)in some parts of the world.The WHO said its greatest worrywas the potential(潜在性)for the virus to spread to countries with weaker health systems, who might not be able to handle (处理)it.“We are all in this together and we can only stop it together,” said the WHOs DirectorGeneral, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.1. What does the underlined phrase “take such a step”mean in the first paragraph?A. Spread the coronavirus across the world.B. Declare the coronavirus a global public health emergency.C. Hold the third meeting about the coronavirus. D. Restrict trade and travel across the world.2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The 2009 swine flu pandemicwas a global public health emergency.B. SARSkilled about800 people across the world in 2009.C. The new coronavirushas few cases than SARS. D. The spread of the coronavirus has no risk.3. What could the declarationof global public health emergency cause?A. Bigger outbreak of the coronavirus. B. Trade and travel restrictions.C. A weaker health system. D. Immediate stop of the coronavirus.时文阅读:疫情推迟开学On January 27, in order to win the new pneumonia Resistance War(抗击新型肺炎战), the Ministry of Education issued(教育部公布) a notice on putting off the start time of school in spring 2020. It was said that school should not start before March. The exact start time of school will depend on situations and further notices.However, many parents are very worried that putting off the start of school may affect(影响)childrens studies. If they have such a long winter vacation, children will not learn any knowledge, read books or study at all. They may forget what they have learned before. Staying at home for a long time will make them keep eating, sleeping and playing, which seriously affect their physical and mentalhealth.In short, the close of school influences learning and develops bad habits, so how should we avoid these problems? Local education departments have also issued a notice, that is, to organize online teaching and create a network platform(平台), where necessary courses will be shown every day, and online teaching will be given by excellent teachers of the subject, and students can learn at home through computer or mobile network.It should be said that such a method is very good. It can not only keep students indoors and not worry about the infection(感染) of the disease, but also make them study at home, improve their learning ability, and truly achieve “nosuspensionof classes”. Both the platform itself and the recorded lesson resources are more useful, and are welcomed by parents and teachers.Of course, except for learning at home, it is also necessary to teach children about health knowledge, especially how to keep away from touching virus and other knowledge popularization; at the same time, it is also necessary for children to do some physical exercises or some games,which is good for physical health athome.1.Parents worried about putting off the start time ofschoolbecause _.A.children may be infected byvirus B.they dont like the idea of onlinelearningC.childrens study may beaffected D.parents have no time to lookafterchildren2.Except for learning at home, what is also necessary according to thewriter?A.To keep playing onlinegames. B.To keep touching differentpeople.C.To do some physical exercisesoutside.D.To teach children abouthealthknowledge.3.The underlined word “suspension” inParagraph 4probablymeans _.A.plan B.stop C.growth D.change4. Which is TRUE according to thepassage?A.Students would rather go toschool. B.The date of going to school isdecided.C.Online teaching will help studentsstudy. D.Parents bel
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