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Italy mayors scold people not following lockdown意大利市长斥责不遵守禁闭令的人Mayors across Italy are taking direct action to make sure people follow lockdown rules. The whole of Italy is under lockdown. It is one of the countries worst affected by the COVID-19 coronavirus. The country has reported over 80,000 cases of infections. There have also been 8,215 deaths, the most of any country in the world. The whole country is under lockdown but not everyone is following the rules. There are many videos online of mayors going into the streets to order people to stay at home. Over 100,000 people in Italy have been fined for being on the streets without a good reason. Three-quarters of the world is in lockdown as countries try to contain the virus.Some mayors in Italy are posting angry messages on social media. The mayor of one town said he was tired of people walking their dogs many times a day. He posted a video saying: Where are you going with these incontinent dogs? You need to stay home. People are dying. Dont you get it? You are irresponsible idiots, colossal idiots. The president of Lombardy, Italys worst affected region, said: Too many people are still out and about. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said: Everyones efforts are needed as the survival of the social and economic fabric of our country is at stake. Italians have also started a worldwide trend of singing from their balcony to cheerpeople up.材料来源https:/www.huffpost.com/2020/03/30生词表scold责骂,批评lockdown封城coronavirus冠状病毒infection传染,感染fine罚款contain防止蔓延(或恶化)incontinent(大小便)失禁的irresponsible idiots不负责任的白痴survival幸存,生存fabric 织物economic fabric经济结构at stake危如累卵,危险trend趋势,动向balcony阳台EXERCISEITRUE / FALSE判断正误a.Mayors in Italy are taking action to make people follow lockdown rules.b. Italy is the country with the highest number of infections.c. Almost 10,000 people have been fined for being on the streets.d. Around 75 per cent of the world is in lockdown.e. A mayor is angry at people walking dogs too often.f. The mayor called people on the streets idiots.g. Italys leader said the survival of the Italian fabric industry is at risk.h. Italians try to cheer each other up by singing on their balcony.IIGAP FILL 选词填空cases rules contain directfined most whole orderMayors across Italy are taking (1) _action to make sure people follow lockdown rules. The (2) _of Italy is under lockdown. It is one of the countries worst affected by the COVID-19 coronavirus. The country has reported over 80,000 (3) _of infections. There have also been 8,215 deaths, the (4) _of any country in the world. The whole country is under lockdown but not everyone is following the (5) _. There are many videos online of mayors going into the streets to (6) _people to stay at home. Over 100,000 people in Italy have been (7) _for being on the streets without a good reason. Three-quarters of the world is in lockdown as countries try to (8) _the virus.stay region cheer idiots posting stake tired survivalSome mayors in Italy are (9) _angry messages on social media. The mayor of one town said he was (10) _of people walking their dogs many times a day. He posted a video saying: Where are you going with these incontinent dogs? You need to (11) _home. People are dying. Dont you get it? You are irresponsible (12) _, colossal idiots. The president of Lombardy, Italys worst affected (13) _, said: Too many people are still out and about. PrimeMinister Giuseppe Conte said: Everyones efforts are needed as the (14) _of the social and economic fabric of our country is at (15) _. Italians have also started a worldwide trend of singing from their balcony to (16) _people up.IIIMULTIPLE CHOICE 阅读理解1) What kind of action did the article say mayors are taking?A.insufficient actionB.direct actionC.limited actionD.drastic action2) How much of Italy is under lockdown?A.half of ItalyB.about 90% of ItalyC.most of ItalyD.the whole of Italy3) What are Italys mayors ordering people to do?A.help their neighboursB.wash their handsC.stay at homeD.sing4) What has happened to 100,000 people in Italy?A.they got finedB.they were movedC.they received free foodD.they got free masks5) How much of the world is in lockdown?A.two-thirdsB.three-quartersC.four-fifthsD.seven-eighths6) Where are the mayors putting their messages?A.on social mediaB.in bottlesC.in newspapersD.on the TV7) What is one mayor angry at people doing?A.meeting in groupsB.holding handsC.walking dogsD.running8) Where did Lombardys president say too many people were?A.pit and aboutB.outdoorsC.in mallsD.in parks9) Whose efforts did Italys prime minister say was needed?A.teachersB.nursesC.the policeD.everyones effort10) From where are Italian peoplesinging?
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