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序号内容预测 一对“读好书,促成长”活动发出的倡议预测 二珍爱生命预测 三以“照镜子”谈自己过去、未来学习成长预测 四英语学习预测 五养成良好的生活习惯和学习习惯成长学习预测一【题目要求】每年的4月23日是世界读书日,这个纪念日的意义在于推动更多人去阅读。假如你校将开展“读好书,促成长”活动,请你根据这项活动的主题,向全校同学发出倡议。读书的意义:1. 获取知识,开阔视野2. 使人愉悦,益于学习3. (自由发挥)现状:1. 作业多,无良好读书习惯2. 不知道读什么书,不会选择倡议:(至少两点)注意:1. 词数90左右。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;2. 短文须包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;3. 短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。Dear classmates,Reading is very important in our daily life. _Lets start reading now!【参考范文】Dear classmates,Reading is very important in our daily life.First of all, reading can help us get knowledge from all kinds of books. It can also help to open up a whole new world to us. Second, reading can make us clever and happy. It is good for our study and it can help us grow up. Third, reading can help us think more and further and make our life more colourful.However, there is usually so much homework for us to do that we dont have enough time for reading. Moreover, some of us dont have a good habit of reading but often spend too much time watching TV and searching the Internet.In my opinion, our school can have a “Reading Week” once a term. Teachers should encourage students to borrow books from the library. We must spend more time reading some useful books. As a result, we can have a better future.Lets start reading now! 预测二【题目要求】对于每个人来说,生命只有一次。注意安全,就是珍惜生命的一种有效途径。每年因意外事故伤亡的中学生有很多,为了让自己健康平安成长,你该如何保护自己的人身安全呢?请根据下表提示,以Protect Ourselves, Cherish(珍爱)Our Lives为题,写一篇英语短文。安全建议校园安全和同学友好相处,不打架生命安全不独自游泳,不在危险地区游泳网上安全安全上网,不独自会见网友交通安全遵守交通规则要求:1.文章应包括所有要点并围绕要点适当发挥;2.文中不能出现真实的人名、校名和地名等;3.词数90词左右,标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数。Protect Ourselves, Cherish Our LivesLife is only once for everybody. Its important to cherish our lives. As students, what should we do? Here are some suggestions._ _【参考范文】Protect Ourselves, Cherish Our LivesLife is only once for everybody. Its important to cherish our lives. As students, what should we do? Here are some suggestions.First, we should get on well with our classmates at school. Dont fight with them. If we really have trouble in communicating with them, we can ask our teachers for help. Second, we shouldnt swim alone or swim in dangerous places. It is dangerous. Third, we should surf the Internet safely, and we shouldnt meet net-friends alone. Fourth, we had better not smoke or drink wine and we must make sure our food is safe. Whats more, there are more and more cars nowadays. So we must follow the traffic rules. We should walk on the zebra crossing when crossing the street.Safety comes first. So we must be careful at any moment.预测三【题目要求】“照镜子”是生活中的平常事,以生活为镜,可以照出现实中真实的自己。请以“Me in the Mirror”为题,写一篇英语短文。写作提示:1.自己有什么突出的优点;2.本身还存在哪些缺点;3.在未来的生活和学习中如何扬长避短。写作要求:1.语句连贯,条理清晰,详略得当,书写工整;2.100词左右,题目已给出,不计入总词数。Me in the Mirror_
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