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七升八必备基础知识过关 9 份1 think about ,think of ,think over .这三个词组都是与“想”有关,但所表达的含义有所不同。(1) think of :多用来指“想起,认为” 。 例:Last night ,before I went to bed, I thought of my parents .昨晚我睡觉前,想起了我的父母。 (2)Think about : 多用来指 “考虑某事或对某事进行思考” 例: Before you answer this question ,please think it over .在回答这个问题之前 ,请认真考虑一下。2 *stop doing 停止做某事/ stop to dostop doing , 停止做某事。 . . I must stop smoking . 我必须戒烟了。. They stop to smoke a cigarette(烟).他们停下来,抽了支烟。3 *remember to do sth /remember doing sth . remember to do sth ,记着去做某事。. Remember to go to the post office after school . 记着放学后去趟邮局。remember doing sth ,记着做过某事 。.Dont you remember seeing the man before ? 难道你不记得以前见过那个人吗? 4 * forget to do sth /forget doing sth . forget to do sth,忘记去做某事。.The light in the office is still on ,He forgot to turn it off . 办公室的灯还亮着 ,他忘记关灯了。 forget doing sth ,忘记做过某事。.He forgot turning the light off . 他忘记他已经关灯了 5* regret doing 对做过的事遗憾,后悔 /regret to do 对要做的事遗憾I regret to have to do this,but I have no choice.我很遗憾必须这样去做,但我实在没有办法。I dont regret telling her what I thought .我不为告诉她我的想法而后悔。*try to do sth 努力,企图做某事./try doing sth .试着做某事。You must try to be more careful .你可要多加小心了。 I tried gardening but didnt succeed .我试着种果木花卉,但未成功。6 *in front of 在 的前面(在范围之外的前面) /in the front of 在的前面( 在范围内的前面)There is a tree in front of the classroom .教室前面有一棵树。The teacher is standing in the frond of the classroom .老师站在教室的前面。7 定冠词 the 的用法1 定冠词用于表示世界上独一无二的事物或用于自然界现象或方位名词之前。如:the sun the sky2 定冠词与单数名词连用,表示一类人或物。如; The cat is an animal .猫是一种动物。3 定冠词与某些形容词连用,是形容词名词化,表示某一类人。如:the poor 穷人 the rich 富人4 用在序数词,形容词最高级和表示方位的名词之前。5 定冠词用在姓名复数之前,表示一家人。The Greens is very kind of us .格林一家带8 Play 与球类名词连用时,名词前一般不加定冠词 the;但与乐器名词连用时,名词前一般加定冠词 the。如:piay tennis 打网球 ; play the piano 弹钢琴9 few 与 a fewfew 后面跟可数名词的复数形式。其中 a few 表示肯定,意为“一些,几个” ;few 表示否定,意为“很少的,几乎没有”如:I have a few good friends.我有几个好朋友。Very few students ride bikes to school in America.在美国,很少有学生骑自行车上学。little 与 a little.little 与 a little 修饰不可数名词,其中 little 表示几乎没有,是否定;a little 表示很少,但有,表示肯定10 love 爱,喜爱。如果表示经常性的、习惯性的喜欢用 love doing sth .,如果表示特定的或具体某一次的喜欢则用 love to do sth. Love 喜爱的程度比 like 深 。类似的结构有 like/engoy doing sth “喜欢做某事”。11 On the wall 表示在墙的表面 in the wall 表示在墙的内部如:There is a picture on the wall .墙上有一幅画。There is a window in the wall. 墙上有一扇窗户。12 Get sb. to do sth 使某人做某事如:He wants to get his sister to help him with the housework .他想让姐姐帮他做家务。13 usefor /to意思为“用做” 。For 后面常接名词或动名词,而 to 后接动词原形。如:-What do we use it for ?-We use it to keep pencils, rulers, erasers and so on .我们用它来放铅笔、尺子、橡皮等。We use this room for having meeting. 我们用这个房间开会。14 to ones surprise “使某人惊奇的是” 。如:To my surprise ,he can speak English so well .使我惊奇的是,他英语说得那么好。15 It ones turn to do sth . 轮到某人做某事 如 :Its your turn to clean the room .该轮到你打扫教室了。16 with ones help ,在某人的帮助下 。help sb.do sth , 帮助某人做某事 。如 : With the doctorshelp ,the boy could walk again . 在医生们的帮助下,这个男孩又能走路了。如:They are busy helping the farmers harvest the rice . 他们正忙着帮农民收割稻谷 。17 each of ,each one of , every one of 后街复数名词或代词,当它们作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。如 : Every one of them is going to plant trees .他们每个人都打算去植树。18 在英语中,某些动词,如:go ,come ,leave , start , arrive , meet , fly 等,可用现在进行时表示按计划或安排要发生的事。如:He is leaving for Canada next Mondy .他下个星期一去加拿大。19 Had better 的否定形式Had better not 如: Youd better not go to Fuzhou by train .你最好不要坐火车去福州。Dont go across the street . 不要横穿马路。They are going through the forest .他们正穿过树林。20 arrive in +大范围 、 arrive at + 小范围 ,意思“到达” 与 arrive 同意表示“到达”并可互相替换的动词还有 reach 和 get to .I arrive at the bank . 我到了银行。I arrive in Beijing . 我到了北京。(1) reach 是及物动词,后面直接接地点。如:They reached London yesterday afternoon . 他们昨天下午抵达伦敦 。(2)get to 为动词短语后跟地点,如果 get to 后跟的是地点副词,则可省略 to ,多用于口语。如:We got to school at 7:30 .They got home /here /there last night .(注意):reach 与 get to 表示“到达”是后面必须带表示地点的名词或副词等,而 arrive 则可以不带。如:Ill call you when he arrive . 他到达时我会给你打电话。21 Its time for sth 到的时间了, Its time to do sth 做什么事的时间到了 Its time for sb. To do sth 某人做某事的时间到了Its time for school .到上学的时间了。Its time to go to school .上学的时间到了。Its time for him to go school. 他上学的时间到了。22 On weekdays 在平日,在工作日。这是习惯用法其中介词 on 不可改用 at. 但 weekend(s)前可用 on,也可用 at ,意为“在周末” 。23 Borrow lend keepBorrow 向某人借东西,习惯上用 borrow sth from sb.或 borrow ones sth.Lend 借给( 把东西借给别人),习惯上用 lend sth.to sb. 也可以用 lend sb. Sth.Keep 表示借某物多久。习惯上用 keep sth. for + 时间段。Put on 穿上,戴上, be in ,wear 强调穿戴这一状态My sister is in a red skirt .He often wears a jacket ,but today he is wearing a shit .Please put on your coat .24 at the back of 在(内部)的后面25 because 不可与 so 连用错:Because her mother is ill ,so she has to stay at hone .对: She has to stay at hime because her mother is ill .26 also ,too ,either , as wellalso 是正式用语,通常用于肯定句中,用于实义动词前,be 动词、情态动词、助动词后。I also want to visit it one day .He can also swim .too 用于肯定句末,常用逗号隔开。either 用于否定句末,常用逗号隔开。as well 一般用于肯定句句末,但不用逗号隔开。H
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