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Chapter 6,Strategic Management,Learning Objectives,Define strategy 策略之定義 Explain the role of environmental analysis in strategy formulation 解釋環境分析在策略規劃的角色 Explain the strategic planning process 解釋策略規劃的過程 Utilize strategic planning tools, such as the product life cycle model, portfolio matrix, and SWOT analysis. 利用策略規劃工具,如產品生命週期模型、組合矩陣及SWOT分析,After studying this chapter, you should be able to:,2005 Prentice Hall,Learning Objectives,Describe strategy implementation tools such as the Seven S Model. 描述如Seven S Model的履行工具 Describe the differences between intended and emergent strategies. 描述預期和突發策略的相異性,After studying this chapter, you should be able to:,2005 Prentice Hall,Competitive Advantage,Competitive advantage 競爭性優點 The ability of a firm to win consistently over the long term in a competitive situation. 公司贏得長期競爭的能力 Competitive advantage is created through the achievement of five qualities 由五大品質達成所形成的競爭性優點,2005 Prentice Hall,Five Qualities that Lead to Competitive Advantage,Superiority優越性 Are you significantly better than your competitors? 是否優於你的競爭者 At what things are you better? 贏在何處,2005 Prentice Hall,Five Qualities that Lead to Competitive Advantage,Inimitability不可模仿性 Managers must create barriers that make it hard for others to copy their superiority advantages 管理者必須障礙來使他人不易複製其優越性的優點 Culture 文化 Product design 產品設計 Marketing strategy 行銷策略 And others 其他項目,2005 Prentice Hall,Five Qualities that Lead to Competitive Advantage,Durability (long lasting) 耐久性 Legally protected 法律保障 Patents 專利權 Copyrights 智慧財產權 Brand names 品牌專利 Well-established 信譽保障 Brand image 品牌形象 Reputation for quality 名聲的保證,2005 Prentice Hall,Five Qualities that Lead to Competitive Advantage,Non-substitutability不可代換性 Can the customers need that you fulfill can be met by alternative means? 你所滿足的顧客需求有其他方法替代嗎 Encyclopedias vs. information availability on the Internet 百科全書 vs. 網路可取得的資訊 Movie theater entertainment vs. concert band entertainment 電影院 vs. 管樂團,2005 Prentice Hall,Five Qualities that Lead to Competitive Advantage,Appropriability不可代換性 Can you actually capture the profits that can be made in the business? 你可以在工作中確實獲得利潤嗎 Supernormal returns 超常的利潤 Profits that are above the average for a comparable set of firms 利潤會好過公司所給的平均值 Primarily a function of greaterthanaverage costprice margins 基本作用的平均比比成本價格限度高,2005 Prentice Hall,Strategic Management Process: Setting Direction,Strategic management process is a planning process in which managers 管理者在策略管理過程中的計劃過程為下 Set the organizations general direction and objectives 設立組織的大方向及目標 Formulate a specific strategy 規劃一個具體策略 Plan and carry out the strategys implementation 計畫實行策略的履行 Monitor results and make necessary adjustments 觀看結果並做出必要的改進,2005 Prentice Hall,Strategic Management Process,Strategic Planning,Feedback,Adapted from Exhibit 6.1: Strategic Management Process,2005 Prentice Hall,Strategic Management Process:Setting Direction,Strategic intent: what the organization ultimately wants to be and do 策略的目的:公司最後所要完成的事情 General identity, direction, and level of aspirations of the organization 主體、方向、及公司目的的之程度 A key objective is to inspire 重要的目標有激勵的作用 Should paint a general picture of aspiration and engender a strong emotional response in just a few words 繪出大致的目的藍圖及簡述說明來產生強烈情感回應,Strategic Intent,2005 Prentice Hall,Strategic Management Process: Setting Direction,Mission statement articulates the fundamental purpose of the organization 任務表達出了公司基本的目的 Company philosophy 公司哲學 Company identity, or self-concept 公司特性及自我觀點 Principal products or services 主要產品及服務 Customers and markets 消費者與市場 Geographic focus 地理上的焦點 Obligations to shareholders 對股東的義務 Commitment to employees 委任給員工,Mission,2005 Prentice Hall,Mission Statement for the Internal Revenue Service,The IRS mission is to “provide Americas taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and by applying the tax law with integrity and fairness to all.”,Adapted from Exhibit 6.2 Mission Statement for the Internal Revenue Service,2005 Prentice Hall,Strategic Management Process: Setting Direction,Strategic objectives translate the strategic intent and mission of the firm into concrete and measurable goals 策略目標說明了策略的意圖和將公司任務變成具體及重要之目的 Facilitates a firms ability to Allocate resources appropriately 適當地分配資源 Reach a shared understanding of priorities 達到對優先權共有的理解 Delegate responsibilities 委託責任 Hold people accountable for results 讓人們對結果有所了解,Strategic Objectives,2005 Prentice Hall,Strategic Management Process: Setting Direction,Strategic objectives address many issues, such as,Revenue growth 利益的成長率 Profitability 利益率 Customer satisfaction 顧客滿意 Market share 市場分紅 Financial returns (e.g., return on equity, return on assets) 財務回饋,Technological leadership 技術的領導地位 Cash flow 金錢流動 Operating efficiency (e.g., costs per unit, expense per employee) 執行效率,Strategic Objectives,2005 Prentice Hall,Strategic Management Process: Formulating a Strategy,Competitive strategy: determining how the company is going to compete and achieve its strategic objective
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