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闽教版小学四年级,课程名称:How much is it ?,回答:Its_。,How much is it ?,它多少钱?,它,2.Key point:,2人民币 2Yuan 2美元 2 Dollars2欧元 2 Euros2英镑 2 Pounds,Lets go shopping,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,thirteen 13,fourteen 14,fifteen 15,17,16,18,19,two,twelve,twenty,2,12,20,4.Listen and read,¥18,How much is it?,Its eighteen yuan.,5.Read after me:,¥1,How much is it ?,Its one yuan.,¥2,How much is it ?,Its two yuan.,¥11,How much is it ?,Its eleven yuan.,¥16,How much is it ?,Its sixteen yuan.,¥20,¥10,¥6,¥18,6.Lets talking about them with your partner.,7.Do an exercise:,How much is it?,A.Its 20 yuan.,B.Its 20 yuans.,8.Homework,Count the numbers from 1-20 to your parents. Use”How much is it ?”in the daily life.,
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