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2021年5月福建省漳州市中考二模英语试题(含听力)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、听句子或对话选择图片1 ABC2 ABC3 ABC4 ABC5 ABC二、听短对话回答问题6How is the weather now? AIts fine.BIts rainy.CIts windy.7What does the man want? ACoke.BCoffee.CTea.8Where are the speakers? AIn a library.BIn a bookstore.CIn a post office.9When should the speakers arrive at the airport? AAt 8:30 a. m.BAt 10:30 a. m.CAt 12:30 a. m.三、听长对话回答问题听一段对话,回答下面两个小题。10What are the speakers doing?AVisiting a museum.BPreparing for a museum trip.CDoing some shopping11What will the woman put in her bag?AA guidebook.BAn umbrella.CA coat.听一段对话,回答下面两个小题。12What does the woman usually do first on Sundays?AShe does sports.BShe has breakfast.CShe cleans rooms.13How does the man like cooking?AIts interesting.BIts difficult.CIts boring.听一段对话,回答下面两个小题。14What makes the woman return the dress?AIts color.BIts size.CIts price.15How much is the blue dress?A$ 100.B$ 145.C$ 165.四、听短文填写表格根据所听到的短文内容,完成下面表格,每空填一词。(短文读三遍)Services in the Tower HotelOn the ground floorAn information desk. Please leave your 16 here when you go out.On the 17 floorLots of shops where you can 18 food, clothes and newspapers.On the fourth and fifth floorsNice and 19 bedrooms. On the sixth floorA restaurant, open from 7:30 to 20 each morning.五、单选题21 Moms birthday is coming. Lets buy some flowers for her. OK. I know she likes _ best.AringsBrosesChandbags22 Would you like to go camping with me? Id like that, _ I have no time.AorBbutCso23Her grandma is very smart. She has learned to use WeChat by _ .AherBhersCherself24On sunny days, I prefer reading books _ the window.AbyBforCwith25A mobile phone with 5G can send videos _ than the one with 4G.AfastBfasterCthe fastest26 Would you mind _ your e-mail address? I couldnt follow you. No problem. Its Danny163.com.ArepeatingBreviewingCrecording27When we read a piece of news online, we should make sure if it is _ before sending it to others.AtrueBstrangeCspecial28 I have never seen Mr. Brown before. Dont worry. I _ him to you before the meeting.AintroducedBintroduceCwill introduce29Love your parents while they are alive. Dont wait _ it is too late.AunlessBifCuntil30 Nowadays some people are always busy checking their mobile phones while getting together. So it is. They should put down phones and have more talks _ .AalreadyBinsteadCaloud31The Fourth Digital Summit (峰会) _ from April 25 to 26 in Fuzhou.AheldBwas heldCwas holding32The instructions tell us everything _ about how to make the model rocket.Ain detailBin generalCin person33Once a decision has been made, all of us should _ it.Aget toBlead toCstick to34He has made up his mind to give up smoking, and hes thinking about _.Ahow can he make itBhow he can make itChow will he make it35 The trade between China and Europe has developed rapidly these years. Yes, 200 products are getting their own “passports” _ will allow them to enter each others markets more easily.AthatBwhenCwho六、完型填空 Somebody had the wrong number. Bill Clayten 36 a text message from a stranger. The text asked him what time he would like dinner brought to him. Clayten knew the message was meant for someone else. Still, he messaged 37 . He joked that he was allergic (过敏) to seafood. Abby Fink, who had sent the message, 38 that she had sent into the wrong person. She wrote back that the message was for her friend who had a son Noah. He was in the ICU of the hospital and dying. Clayten felt 39 at the message and wanted to help the boy. He asked 40 he could give food or other items. The family accepted his offer. Clayten 41 a page online for Noah. He raised more than $ 1,500 from friends and companies in a few days. With Claytens help, Noah is getting better, though he will have to stay in the hospital for now. Clayten has collected more than $11,000 for the family 42 . Fink was surprised that Clayten was helping her friends family 43 getting her wrong text. Noahs mother, was also 44 to Clayten for all his help. She believes that Clayten is an example of human 45 . “Humans at their heart have a desire to help other humans, and Bill acted on that. Thats a lesson that we can all take home,” she said.36AacceptedBreceivedCsent37AonBagainCback38AthoughtBrealizedCmeant39AsadBhappyCmoved40AwhenBwhyCwhether41Atook upBlooked upCset up42Aso farBjust nowCat times43AbeforeBafterCtill44AthankfulBcarefulCuseful45
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