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小升初专项训练副词基础题一、选择题( )1I can play football _. A. good B. well C. bad( )2_is my book? Its on the desk. A. What B. Where C. Who( )3_ is our school menu. A. They B. These C. Here( )4- I feel cold. - I feel cold, _. A. to B. two C. too( )5She can type very_. A. quick B. quicky C. quickly( )6Look ! They are short , _ . A. too B. to C. two( )7 I dont like milk. I dont, _. A. too B. neither C. either( )8It often rains _ in the summer of Nanjing. A. strong B. big C. hard D. heavy( )9We all like him because he says _ but does much. A. little B. a little C. much D. Many( )10My grandmother is old. Look! She is walking _. A. quickly B. slow C. slowly D. quick( )11- _is Sarah? -She is in the car. A .What B. Where C .That ( )12_ is your birthday? A. What B. When C. Why( )13 -_ is my pencil box?-Its in your desk. A. How B. What C. Where( )14-_ are you from ?来源:学&科&网 -Im from America . A. Where B. Who C. How many( )15 - _ the clock? - Its on the wall. A. What is B. Where is C. Who is( )16_ is Amys favourite drink. A. Who B. Where C. What( )17_is Easter? Its in spring. A. Who B. What C. When( )18_are his football clothes? Under the bed. A. Where B. Who C. Whose D. What( )19( ) How can we go _ ? A. there B. to there C. at there( )20John likes apples, and I _ like them. A. also B. too C. either二、填空题21选择下列所给疑问词,完成对话。what, when, who, where, how(1)._ did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang.(2)._is the matter, Mike? I have a fever.(3)._tall are you? I am 165cm tall.(4)._did you go hiking? Yesterday.(5)._is heavier than you? Zhang Peng.22选择合适的疑问词填空。What What colour How much Who When Where Why(1). _ are you doing?(2). _ are you going to go?(3)._ is the bag? Twenty yuan.(4)._ will you come back? A quarter to ten.(5)._ is that woman? Miss Tang.(6)._ is the sofa? Its black and white.(7)._ are you wearing a dress?23选词填空。(1). Our new teacher will _ (be, come) today.(2).Hes a good basketball _ (player, play).(3).He is tall _(and, or) strong.(4).Our Chinese teacher is strict, _(two, too).提升题一、填空题24写出下列形容词或副词的比较级与最高级形式。long_ _,wide_ _,fat_ _heavy_ _,slow_ _,few_ _brightly_ _,bad_ _,far_ _quickly_ _,happy_ _,thin_ _little_ _,good_ _,tall_ _many_ _,big_ _,fast_ _large_ _,beautiful_ _25根据上下文内容,填入适当的单词。(每空一词)。I am from the USA . My name is Helen . I am Liu Taos penfriend . Liu Tao is twelve years old . Im as old as him . There are four people in my family . My father is a doctor . My mother teaches English in a primary school . My brother Jack is only four years old . He is lovely . We all love him very much . Liu Tao _(1)_ a penfriend._(2)_ name is Helen . Shes an _(3)_ girl .There are _(4)_ people in her family . Her father works in the _(5)_, and her mother is a _(6)_ .26根据句意及中文提示完成句子。(1). They are very _( 乐于助人的)。(2). My friend John can_ (讲)English。(3). Is he _ (和蔼的)?(4). Shes _ (我们的)art teacher.(5). Their head teacher is very _ (年轻的)。(6). Ms Wang_(将要)be our Chinese teacher .(7). Is your father _(严格的)?(8). Zhang Peng is a _(有礼貌的)boy.27用单词的正确形式填空.(1). Im _(write) a postcard to my parents.(2). Yesterday I_ (buy) a new coat.(3). Lily often _(help) her mother with the housework.(4). I _ (walk) to the school yesterday.(5). What are the _(different)?28按要求拼写单词。来源:学科网(1). sheep(复数)_ (2). strawberries(单数)_(3). small(近义词)_ (4). one(序数词)_(5). sun(同音词)_ 来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K(6). twentieth(基数词)_(7). tall(反义词)_ (8). t (同音单词) _(9). cant(完整形式) _ (10). They are(缩写形式)_
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