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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A 1a2d教学设计一、教学目标1. 使学生掌握本节课出现的重点单词和短语:peel, cut up, pour in, put, add, turn on, drink, yogurt, honey, watermelon, spoon, finally, salt2. 学生能听懂关于食物制作的对话,能够按照指示语做事情,并获取关于食物的原材料和量的相关信息。3. 能模仿输入的语言,围绕食物的原材料、需要的量及制作过程生成并输出自己的语言。4. 使学生能正确区分可数名词和不可数名词并熟练运用句型How much , How many 。5. 能掌握并正确使用祈使句。6. 通过制作食物的介绍,培养学生的实际生活能力,了解生活知识,增长生活阅历,培养实践操作能力和动手能力,激发学生对家乡的热爱,体验中西饮食文化的差异。二、教学重点及难点重点:1. 掌握shake, blender, peel, pour等重点词汇以及由how many/how much 引导的特殊疑问句,能正确使用祈使句描述香蕉奶昔的制作过程。2. 能灵活使用first, next, then, finally等词来辅助描述香蕉奶昔的制作过程。难点:理解并能准确运用可数名词和不可数名词。三、教学准备教师:教学课件;多媒体设备学生:课前预习四、教学过程Task 1Step 1 Warming-up1. Let Ss answer questions through reviewing the vocabulary on the related topic.T: Whats your favorite fruit?Whats your favorite drink? T: Do you like milk shake?How can we make a banana milk shake?2. Let Ss try to describe the process of making banana milk shake according to the pictures then write down the key words on the blackboard.【设计意图】通过对话的形式引起学生的学习兴趣,了解香蕉奶昔的制作过程。PPT播放图片再次加深学生的印象。Step 2 Pre-listening Work on 1a1. Let Ss look at 1a and then teach the names of all items.2. Point to the pictures of the items and ask students to repeat. Focus on the pictures. Ask the students to tell what they see in each picture. Fill in the blanks. Then check the answers.【设计意图】通过看图和回答问题学习新单词,为新课学习做好准备。Step 3 While-listeningWork on 1b1. Let students go through the sentences in 1b, and then listen to the tape. Ss only listen. 2. Let students listen again and number the instructions in the right order. Let the students read the sentences in the right order.3. Listen again and check the answers, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.【设计意图】通过听力的形式输入目标句子,让学生通过听后排序进一步熟悉banana milk shake的制作过程。Step 4 Post-listeningWork on 1cWork in pairs and tell the partner how to make a banana milk shake according to the instructions of 1b. Try to use adverbs of sequence, for example, First Then Next Finally 【设计意图】充分利用听力材料的文本,让学生重温香蕉奶昔的制作过程的同时,标识关键词,尝试使用表示顺序的副词。Task 2Step 1 Pre-listening1. Look at the pictures and talk about the following questions.(1) What did you have for breakfast?(2) How many/much did you eat or drink?2. Read 2a and try to answer the following questions.(1) How many bananas can you see?(2) How much yogurt can you see?【设计意图】通过食物话题的导入,不仅可以复习词汇,还能用问答的方式引出所吃食物的量,为2b部分学习表示数量的短语做铺垫。Step 2 While-listeningWork on 2a & 2b1. Ask students to look at the picture in 1a and read the sentences and words.2. Ask students to predict which one they will choose. If possible, they can try to fill in the blanks by themselves.3. Listen and check the answers.4. Listen again. Write the ingredients under the correct amount in the chart.5. Listen and repeat to improve pronunciation and intonation.【设计意图】通过阅读2a中的对话和单词,为获取信息做铺垫;教会学生通过浏览信息,为获取准确的听力信息做准备;根据2b题示,学生根据所听内容完成表格,同时通过练习活动为学生提供更多的口头陈述的机会,培养学生口语表达能力。Step 3 Post-listeningWork on 2c1. Ask students to ask and answer questions about how to make fruit salad.2. Give an example to students.A: Lets make fruit salad.B: OK, good idea. How much yogurt do we need?A: One cup.B: How many apples do we need?A: Let me think. We need two apples.B: OK, and how much ?3. Work this dialogue in pairs. Try to ask and answer about how to make fruit salad.4. Ask some pairs to show their conversations.【设计意图】引导学生就How to make fruit salad进行问答,通过运用合作教学的方法巩固所学的功能句型,确认学生通过以上环节的操练能够恰当运用和表达食物制作所需食材、需要量以及制作过程的有关语言,培养学生运用目标语言进行交际的能力。Work on 2d1. Watch a video of 2d, and then answer these questions.(1) What does Anna want to make?(2) What does Anna need?2. Look at the picture about Russian soup and read the conversation. Then try to complete the chart.3. Let students try to recite how to make Russian soup.(1) Let students look at the pictures to recite it for the first time.(2) Let students look at the key words to recite it again.First, buy Then, cut up Next, put into , and add . After that, cook forThen, add and cook for .Finally, add .Language pointsturn on 打开,接通(电流、煤气、水等)cut up 切碎put into 把放入forget to do 忘记要做【设计意图】帮助学生通过视频的方式了解要学习的食物制作方式,使学生快速进入话题,并通过阅读对话填写表格,老师引导学生运用所学的功能句型,进行语言实践,如:总结所需物品和数量、制作步骤的表达等,从而提高学生的语言输出能力。Test一、根据汉语提示填词。1. Can you _ (切碎) the vegetables, Tom?2. Please _ (加) some sugar to the coffee.3. _ the hot water _ (将倒入) the glass, please. 4. _ the bananas _ (将放进) the blender. 5. Dont _ (忘记做) your homework.二、完成下列句子。1. 你怎样制作香蕉奶昔? _ do you _ a banana milk shake?2. 打开搅拌器。_ _ the blender.3. Helen把水倒入搅拌机里。Helen _ the water _ the blender.4. Mike把书放进了桌子里。Mike _ the book _ the desk.【设计意图】测试学生Language points的学习情况,帮助学生查缺补漏。Step 4 Summary 1. Vocabulary: (1) Ingredients: milk shake, yogurt, honey, watermelon, salt(2) Tools: blender, spoon,
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