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金融英语考试密押资料金融英语中级银行业务模拟1金融英语考试密押资料金融英语中级银行业务模拟1金融英语中级银行业务模拟1SECTION ONE (Compulsory) Now listen to a short conversation and a passage on the tape. This will be played once on the recorder. You may make notes while you are listening, but you should not answer any questions until the reading is over. Qustion 1 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Whats the name of the man who is seeking the mortgage loan?答案:Robert.解析 1-10Personal loanA: Good afternoon, Sir, at your service.B: Oh, thank you. My name is Robert and Id like to make some enquiries concerning mortgage loan facilities offered by your bank. Am I in the right place?A: Yes, definitely Sir, please take a seat and let me get hold of a mortgage loan application form. Might I know some details about the property you intend to buy?B: I decided to purchase an apartment in Sapphire Court on Stanford Road, south of our town. I have already made my down payment last week and now I am trying to get a mortgage loan to finance the purchase.A: Oh, I see. Is Sapphire Court a new development and what is your purchase price?B: No, its a second hand property and as far as I know, it has been 5 years since the building was built. The owner is demanding for 1 million.A: You mentioned that you have paid a down payment. If you dont mind, please tell me how much you have already paid mid the amount of loan you want from the bank?B: I have paid 40,000 to the landlord through the real estate agent and I will just need700,000 from the bank. What interest rates shall I pay if Im approved to get the loan?A: According to practice, we offer our customer mortgage loans on the basis of prime rate plus 1.5 %. At the moment, prime rate is 8 % so your mortgage loan, if allowed, will approximate to 9.5 %. But we might be able to offer you better terms depending on your profession. Let me first try to fill out this application form for you. Can I have your ID card please?B: But I might not want a loan from your bank if the terms are not suitable to me. Should I not fill in any form at this stage?A: Sir, the form is just to record the appropriate details and in any case, we will have to conduct an evaluation of the property before we can approve a loan. In addition, we also need your signature when we come to the very end of the form. There is absolutely no commitment at this stage and you can rest assured that the bank will not force you to take up our loan facilities if you dont want to.B: I understand. Here is my ID card. You can take a photocopy if you need.A: Thank you Sir. Now I want the actual address and the size of the property. Do you want the repayment to spread across a 10-year schedule?B: Yes, lets work on a 10-year repayment schedule, Its Apartment 8A, Sapphire Court, Stanford Road South, so its on the 8th floor. The size is about 750 square feet as the landlord said. There are 2 bed rooms, a sitting mom, a bath mom and a kitchen. The main window faces the south.A: That sounds rather attractive. We will conduct an evaluation to find out the size and other related facilities. That will give us an idea on how much we can lend. Normally we only lend to a maximum of 70% for second hand properties but if you are looking for 700,000, which is only about 66% of your purchase price, I believe there is high chance for the loan to be approved as the property is quite new.B: Just now you mentioned possible better terms. What exactly are they?A: Well, would you mind telling me your profession, your source of income and whether you intend to live in the apartment you purchase?B: Im an engineer in Arrow 答案:Last week.3. What is the purchase price of the apartment?答案:1 million.4. Through whom did he pay to the landlord?答案:Through the real estate agent.5. What interest rate does he pay if he gets the loan?答案:5%.6. How many years repayment schedule do they work on?答案:10-year repayment schedule.7. Is there any penalty if he makes early repayment, and how early?答案:Yes. Only for the first year.8. Can Robert get unsecured loans if he applies for a short period of time and for smaller value?答案:Yes.9. People in what kinds of professions are mentioned in the passage that are offered unsecured loans?答案:Engineers, lecturers, teachers, accountants.10. If a loan is granted to purchase a car, what do we call this kind of loan?答案:A chattel mortgage.SECTION TWO (Compulsory)Question 2 Answer all questions below. Read the following statements and decide whether they are True (T) or False (F). If it is a false statement, try to re-write a correct version. 问题:1. The Exchange Fund is responsible for the issuing and redemption of the Certificates of Indebtedness which give authority to the note-issuing banks to issue banknotes.答案:A问题:2. Money is limited to banknotes and coins in circulation.答案:BCorrection: Money is not limited to banknotes and coins in circu
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