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金融英语考试密押资料现代金融业务(综合)模拟2金融英语考试密押资料现代金融业务(综合)模拟2现代金融业务(综合)模拟2Part One ListeningSection One Directions: In this section, you will hear ten short statements. Each statement will be spoken only once. After each statement, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Lending covenants now are often made at compound interest.B.Lending transactions now are often made at compound interest.C.Lending decisions now are often made at compound interest.D.Lending proposals now are often made at compound interest.答案:B解析More common for lending transactions today is compound interest.录音指“现今复利对于贷款交易更加常见”。lending transactions贷款交易。lending covenants贷款保证契约。lending decisions贷款决策。lending proposals贷款申请。2.A.Assuming inappropriately large financial risk can cause investors to lose sleep.B.Financial risk will not cause investors to lose sleep.C.Seeking to maximize profits appropriately can cause investors to lose sleep.D.No matter how much they earn, the investors will lose sleep.答案:A解析Seeking to maximize profits by assuming inappropriately large financial risk can cause investors to lose sleep.录音单句的意思为“通过承担相当大的不合适的金融风险来寻求最大的利润会使投资者失眠。”3.A.We are the credit card holders.B.We are the bank who can encash the card.C.We are the credit card company.D.We stopped your card losing.答案:C解析If you lose this credit card, you have to notify us as soon as possible, so that we can put a stop on your lost card.单句的意思为“如果您丢失了这张卡,您得尽快通知我们,我们将让别人无法使用您的卡。”可见说话者应为信用卡公司。4.A.A bank or insurance company issues an advance payment bond.B.A bank or insurance company issues a tender bond.C.A bank or insurance company issues a maintenance bond.D.A bank or insurance company issues a performance bond.答案:D解析A bank or insurance company issues a document to guarantee that exporter will supply the goods or services as the required standard.单句的意思为“银行和保险公司发行单据以保证出口商按照规定的标准提供货物和服务。”performance bond履约保函。advance payment bond预付款保函。tender bond投标保证金。maintenance bond保修协议。5.A.There is a higher rate of interest on deposit account.B.There is a higher rate of interest on savings account.C.The rate of interest on deposit accounts is always much higher than that on savings accounts.D.The rate of interest on deposit accounts is usually much lower than that on savings accounts.答案:A解析The rate of interest on savings accounts is usually a little lower than that on deposit accounts.单句意思为“储蓄账户利率通常比定期存款利率低”。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.The financial reporting is to provide information for the investors and lenders only.B.The main aim of financial reporting is to offer information useful for decision-making.C.Investment and lending decisions can be made from the financial reporting.D.Investment and lending decisions can not be made from the financial reporting.答案:B解析The primary objective of financial reporting is to provide information useful for making investment and lending decisions.录音单句意思为“财务报告的主要目标是为投资者和贷款者做决定提供有用信息”。7.A.The banks foreign exchange department has to record the positions in the various currencies.B.The hanks foreign exchange department has to record the positions in the various currencies.C.The banks foreign branches department has to record the various foreign currency liabilities.D.The banks foreign branches department has to record the positions in the various currencies.答案:A解析The banks foreign exchange department has to keep constant track of the positions in the various currencies.单句意思为“银行外汇部必须随时监测各种货币的头寸”。8.A.The tax return is not shown in the income.B.The income is not accurate in taxation.C.The tax should be returned according to the income.D.The tax return is not in accordance with the income that should be taxed.答案:D解析The tax return does not show accrued income.单句意思为“纳税申报单不能反映应计收入”,D项意思与之接近。9.A.From an early date the banker have charged a commission for their services.B.From an early date the banker has an obligation to serve the customers.C.From an early date the customers have charged a commission.D.From an early date the customer has an obligation to serve the banker.答案:A解析From an early date bankers have made a charge for the services which they provide for their customers.单句意思为“银行在一开始就会向其提供服务的客户收取费用”。make a charge和charge a commission都是“收费”的意思。10.A.Banks may guarantee the buyer or the seller in documentary collection.B.Banks act as agents without responsibility of guarantee on either side.C.Banks offer bank guarantee to both the buyer and the seller in documentary collection.D.Banks are only responsible for the buyer in documentary collection.答案:B解析Although banks are involved in documentary collection, they offer no ba
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