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Unit 5 Poems Section C Using Language,MENU,Leading-in,Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,While-class,After-class,Part.1 Leading-in,Vocabulary,inspire (1)vt.鼓舞,激励 inspire sb. (to sth.)鼓励某人(某事) inspire sb.to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 Inspired by the sunny weather, I decided to explore the woods. (2)vt.启发思考,赋予灵感(常用于被动语态) His first novel was inspired by the memory of his childhood. (3)vt.使产生(感觉或情感) inspire sb. with sth. = inspire sth.in sb.使某人产生 The father talked with his son and inspired him with confidence. 练习: My thanks should go to those inspiring me_ (go) ahead and giving me support as well. 答案:to go,2. come across (1)偶然遇见,偶然发现。为及物短语动词,相当于happen to meet, run across等。 When walking down the street, I came across David, whom I hadnt seen for years. 当我走在街上的时候,偶然遇到了戴维,我已经有好多年没见过他了。 (2)被理解,被弄懂。为不及物短语动词,相当于come over. Your point really came across at the meeting. 会上你的观点大家都非常明白了。 练习:He spoke for a long time but his meaning didnt really_. 答案:come across,3. pour out sth. pour out sth. (=pour sth.out)毫无保留地表达感情(或思想等),表露无遗,畅所欲言 She poured out her troubles to me over a cup of coffee. 她一面喝着咖啡,一面向我倾吐着她的烦恼。 (1)vt. Their sweat drips on the soil. Each bowl of rice, who knows? Is the fruit of hard toil.,Here is a poem titled The Peasants by Li Shen, a poet in the Tang Dynasty. It is popular with Chinese readers. It goes like this: although it is so hot outside at noon this summer, yet the farmers are still working the land. They are sweating all over and frequently their sweat falls into the soil where the crops grow. But who knows exactly that all the delicious dishes on our table come from the hard work of the farmers? Li Shen wrote this poem because he wanted to remind us to treasure the farmers hard work. Nowadays, many young people waste a lot of food. From my point of view, it is especially important that the young generation today should understand the poem and treasure every grain.,佳作展示:,While-class,Activity 4 诗歌写作,写作步骤: 第一步:设定主题,明确要表达的内容; 第二步:选择与主题相关的词或短语; 第三步;设想要描写的画面,然后开始写作,之后大声朗读检查韵律; 第四步:确定标题。,作品互评,请学生从以下几个维度品评作品 Subject Images Tone Rhythm and sounds Feelings and emotions Rhetorical devices,Part.3 After-class,展示你的作品吧!,Thank you!,
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