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Reading and Thinking P40-41,新人教必修Book 3,Unit 4 Space Exploration,Warming up,Have you ever seen this film?,Whats the story about?,Do you believe there are other planets for people to live on?,About Space,How much do you know about space exploration?,space station,a manned satellite in a fixed orbit designed for scientific research,Read and guess,About Space,How much do you know about space exploration?,a craft capable of traveling in outer space,spacecraft,Rocket,What lifts the space shuttle into space?,Astronauts leave the spacecraft and works outside,About Space,spacewalk,Before you read, look at the title and the photos.,Pre-reading,Whos the astronant? When did he step on the moon?,What is “Challenger” ?,What is Jade Rabbit used for?,What do you expect to read about in this text?,Discussion,The main reasons for space travel are to further human exploration and to gather knowledge of the universe.,I expect to read about the future of space travel.,Several sentences have been removed from the text. Choose the correct sentences A-D to fill each gap.,A. Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong, accidents can still happen. B. They also really wish to discover other planets that are suitable enough to support life. C. The future of space exploration remains bright. D. After many experiments, they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earths gravity.,While-reading,Read the text on page 40-41.,B,D,A,C,Use your own words to summarise the main idea for each paragraph.,Paragraph 1: _ _,Paragraph 2: _ _ _,Paragraph 3: _ _,Paragraph 4: _ _ _,Paragraph 5: _ _ _,Humans have always had a natural curiosity about space.,Space travel became a reality in the 20th century, with American and Soviet space missions.,Space travel has always involved great risk, but despite the risks exploration continues.,China has made great progress in space exploration in the early 21st century, becoming only the third country to send human to space.,The future of space exploration looks bright, as many countries are planning further missions.,Read the text again, then complete the chart below.,Yuri Gagarin,Neil Armstrong,Put the following sentences in time order.,Chinas space exploration,A second manned orbit and Chinese spacewalk was completed.,Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth.,Tiangong 2 space lab was launched into space.,Astronauts observe and measure the far side of the moon.,1,2,3,4,Group Discussion,1. What does the title “Space: The final frontier” mean to you?,Post-reading,While I support space exploration, I dont think space is the final frontier just yet. There is still much to learn about the Earth, and we are only at the very beginning of new technological breakthroughs involving information technology and AI. There are many scientific and technological frontiers all around us.,Group Discussion,2. What is the authors attitude towards space exploration? How do you know?,Post-reading,According to the timeline, introduce the achievement of space exploration in human history.,1957,1961,1969,1977,2003,2005-2008,2016,2018,Sputnik 1 satellite launched by orbited,Yuri Gagarin the first person,Neil Armstrong, stepped, saying,Voyager 1, to study, it still,Yang Liwei, orbitedinspacecraft,Shenzhou 6/7 completed, the first,Tiangong 2 space lab, to dock with,Change 4 Explore the surface of.,Language Points P40-41,新人教必修Book 3,Unit 4 Space Exploration,课文回顾:,Complete the passage with words from the text.,M _ is exploring space in the hope of finding out more about the u_. However, exploring space is both dangerous and challenging. One of the most dangerous parts of space exploration is helping people to escape Earths g_. If there is a mistake during the I_, it can lead to an accident that kills everyone on b_.,ankind,niverse,ravity,aunch,oard,Complete the passage with words from the text.,Getting out of o_ and back to Earths surface is also very dangerous. Despite the huge risks though, people will always continue to explore this final f_ so as to learn its secrets.,rbit,rontier,例1:他决心要学英语。 _. 例2:是什么使她下定决心要嫁给他? _?,determine v. 确定;决定;查明 【用法】 determine to do determine sb. to do determine+that从句 determination n. 决心;果断;测定 determined adj.决定了的;坚决的,However, some scientists were determined to help humans realise their dream to explore space.,句意:然而,有些科学家下定决心要帮助人类实现探索太空的梦想。,What determined her to marry him,He determined to learn English,launch v. launches-launching-launched 发射;把(航天器、武器等)发射上天 开始从事,发起,发动(尤指有组织的活动),On 4 October 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR and successfully orbited around Earth.,句意:1957年10月4日,“旅伴一号”人造卫星在苏联发射升空,并成功环绕地球运行。,例1:美国国家航空航天局计划发射一颗卫星来研究宇宙射线。 NASA plans to _ to study cosmic rays. 例2:政府将于明年开始一项公共工程计划。 The government will _ next year.,launch an public works program,launch a satellite,orbit n. (天体等运行的)轨道 v. (around sth.)沿轨道运行;围绕运动 orbits-orbiting-orbited,On 4 October 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR and successfully orbited around Earth.,例1:一颗新的人造卫星被送上了环绕地球的轨道。 _ _.
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