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自考外刊经贸知识选读试题全国2009年4月自学考试外刊经贸知识选读试题课程代码:00096请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个可以替代句中划线的单词或词组,请将其代码填写在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。1. While exports are reasonably robust, domestic consumption remains moribund a sign of the countrys common anxiety about the future.; A. stagnant; ;B. moving C. dynamic; ;D. motivated 2. If that happens, the backlash from Mr. Obamas supporters could be fearful.; A. support ;B. backingC. deduction ;D. opposition3. The concept that we can turn this around right now is patently ridiculous.; A. patiently ;B. rightlyC. pervasively ;D. obviously 4. To move the Japanese government, Washington must move an entire nation.; A. remove ;B. touch C. influence ;D. change; 5. Even during buoyant economic growth, unemployment remains as high as 10%.; A. slow ;B. vigorous C. floating ;D. slackening 6. The consumers welcomed the slash in meat prices.; A. remarkable drop ;B. obvious division C. vigorous growth ;D. apparent rise 7. In 1991, for the second year in a row, the economies of lowincome and middle-income countries virtually stagnated.; A. repeatedly ;B. successivelyC. respectively ;D. successfully 8. A number of economics and political blogs have recently caught onto the political futures market craze, particularly focusing on Intrade (the popular site where people can bet on, among other things, the presidential elections).; A. indefinite time ;B. near futureC. prospective time ;D. commodities transacted at a future date9. Small manufacturers serving niche markets and wealthy customers are proving recessionproof.; A. mainstream markets ;B. large-scale marketsC. targetable markets ;D. current markets10. You can also segment your targets by size of business based on number of employees or total sales.; A. divide ;B. seekC. shoot ;D. narrow11. Falling sales in Thailand were offset by good returns in other markets.; A. influenced; ;B. balanced C. offended; ;D. bargained12. The new trade agreement has facilitated economic growth.; A. made easier ;B. made slowerC. made more difficult ;D. made more complicated13. It is an area in which ABC Company reigns supreme.; A. rapidest ;B. most famousC. highest in rank or position ;D. deepest14. Speculators profited handsomely since the price fluctuated from the 1990s.; A. was stable; ;B. was flexibleC. was volatile; ;D. was regular 15. The property will be sold to pay off their creditors.; A. owners ;B. borrowers C. loaners ;D. believers二、将下列英语单词或词组译成中文(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)16. vested interests 17. wholesaler 18. a hermit nation 19. buzzword 20. insolvency 21. take title 22. market regulation 23. public tender 24. countervailing duty 25. consortium 三、将下列汉语词组译成英文(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)26反通胀政策 27贸易制裁 28产地证明书 29. 市场动力 30. 转让人 31. 现货市场 32. 经常项目 33. 收盘价 34出口配额制 35服务贸易 四、简答题(本大题共 6小题,每小题 3分,共 18分) Passage 1For South Korea as a whole, that seems as much a prophecy as an ambition. Like Japan in the 1960s, the country is poised for an assault on the worlds export markets. Its surging $81 billion economy is churning out a flood of increasingly sophisticated products, from shoes, toys and telephones to video recorders and microprocessors. Koreas mighty conglomerates dominate Middle East construction, and they command key shares of the worlds shipbuilding, textile and steel industries. Their affiliates, joint ventures and subsidiaries girdle the globe, stretching from Australia, Indonesia and India to Norway, Spain and Gabon, Hyundai and Daewoo, with annual sales of $10 billion and $6 billion respectively, are pushing into the U.S auto market, riveting the attention of American and Japanese manufacturers. Another colossus, the $9 billion Samsung, has started marketing a “supertech” 256K computer chip-encouraging some Koreans to speak confidently of the day when they will become the worlds second largest manufacturer of basic electronic components, outstripping America and running just behind Japan. 36. Please rewrite the first sentence of the passage in plainer words, having the central ideas clarified. 37. Is the clause introduced by the underlined “when” an adverbial clause or an attributive one? 38. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “outstripping” in the last sentence? Passage 2Computerized data storage and electronic mail were to have heralded the paperless office. But, contrary to expectations, paper consumption throughout the world shows no sign of abating. In fact, consumption, especially of printing and writing papers, continues to increase. World demand for paper and board is now expected to grow faster than the general economic growth in the next 15 years. Strong demand will be underpinned by the growing industrialization of South-East Asia, the reemergence of paper packaging, greater use of facsimile machines and photocopies, and the popularity of direct-mail advertising. It is possible that by 2007, world paper and board demand will reach 455 million tons, compared with 241 million tons in 1991.The pulp a
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