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自考外贸函电试题全国2006年7月高等教育自学考试外贸函电试题湖北自考网4月24日整理课程代码:00094(请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上)一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。1. Your early reply; _ A. will be highly appreciated;B. will be thanked C. is to be thanked;D. is appreciated high2We hope to receive your quotation with details _ the earliest date of shipment. A. including;B. to be includedC. being included;D. include3. We hope to reply _ fax if we find the quotation acceptable. A. on;B. with a C. by;D. with4. _ you reduce your price by $10 per dozen, we will have to decline your offer. A. Unless;B. WhileC. When;D. Except5. The products you require are; _ , but we can offer you a substitute.; A. sold out;B. heavily committedC. dropped;D. out of stock6. If you are prepared to increase your _ to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock. A. price;B. sales volumeC. discount;D. cost7. We send you our congratulations on your increased business with us and look forward to further increases; _ our mutual benefit. A. in;B. toC. with;D. for8. We are pleased to offer you items _ the highest quality. A. for;B. ofC. with;D. at9. We would like to quote you our most competitive price _ 300 pieces woollen blankets _ . A. of. . . as follows;B. at. . . as followingC. for. . . as follows;D. with. . . as followed10. We suggest that your order _ a minimum quantity of 15,000 tons. A. call for;B. calls forC. call on;D. call up11. Owing to the; _ nature of our business, sometimes we may need emergency purchases. A. unpredictable;B. unbelievableC. unmistakable;D. unprincipled12. We are writing to confirm _ from you the following products. A. being purchased;B. to have purchasedC. to purchase;D. having purchased13. I would appreciate; _ me an up-to-date price list for your building materials. A. it if you would send;B. that you would sendC. you send;D. it sending14. We will proceed _ your order as soon as we receive your instructions.; A. in;B. forC. with;D. to15. They have _ a price which we think will be acceptable _ you. A. bided. . . to;B. bid. . . toC. bidden. . . by;D. bid. . . with16. For your information, our products enjoy a ready _ in Europe. A. sell;B. sellingC. sail;D. sale17. It is necessary that the specifications _ the requirements.; A. confirm to ;B. conform toC. confirm with;D. conform 18. It is possible that you couldnt find the new patterns _ you are looking in this catalogue. A. for what;B. which C. for which ;D. that19. We assure you that your order is executed with _ delay.; A. no least delay;B. least possibleC. least any ;D. the least possible20. We are pleased to tell you that we have _ at 45 days sight for the amount of the enclosed invoice. A. drawn on you;B. written to youC. called on you ;D. dispatched to you by airmail二、填空题(本大题共25空,每空1分,共25分)请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上。错填、不填均无分。21.; _ receipt of your L/C we shall make a shipment immediately. 22. Because we value your satisfaction so much, we carefully looked; _; the handling of your order.; 23. We know that your leather computer cases will go _ your upcoming computer promotion. 24. We are lodging a claim; _ the shipment ex S. S.; “Chang He” for short delivery. 25. _ the event of loss or damage which may result in a claim _; this Policy immediate notice applying; _ survey must be given to the Companys Agent as mentioned hereunder. 26. If All Risks is desired, we can provide such coverage; _ a slightly higher premium. 27. It was; _ great regret that we read your final remark, and we sincerely hope you will not consider it necessary to take such a drastic step. 28. We can assure you _ the perfect safety of this new medicine. 29. We will effect insurance _; All Risks as requested. 30. The shipment covered; _ your credit No. 142 has been ready; _ some time, but the amendment _ the relevant credit has not yet reached us. 31. We confirm our sale of the following commodities _; terms and conditions as set; _ below. 32. Any of the items unsold at the end of the period would be returned _; our expense. 33. The position provides extraordinary benefits which I would be very eager to have you take full advantage _ . 34. The savings that result _ this regulation are passed _ to our customers. 35.; We can say; _ sure that our prices are very competitive. 36. As you are our regular customer, we think we may concede _ price provided you give us order _; a minimum _ 80 units. 37.; We wish to transship the products to Indonesia _ Shanghai. 三、 英汉翻译(本大(武汉自考)题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)38. If you place your order not later than the end of this month, we would ensure prompt shipment. 39. As requested, we are sending you herewith our Proforma Invoice No. 142 in triplicate for gloves. 40. In reply to your lett
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