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自考外贸函电试题全国2007年7月高等教育自学考试外贸函电试题湖北自考网4月24日整理课程代码:00094将所有答案写在答题纸相应的位置上,否则不计分。一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。1. We are sure that our new products may be _ particular interest to you. A. on;B. ofC. in;D. for;2. The L/C should be issued through a third country bank in America _ the seller.A. available by ;B. available to C. acceptable by ;D. acceptable to 3. Any _ information about their financial standing will be valued by us. A. detailed ;B. detail C. part ;D. particularly 4. We enclose our invoice amounting to USD2300.00 _ the first consignment per s.s. “Haihe”. A. include ;B. paying C. covering ;D. compose 5. During business, the party who makes payment based on the draft is called _. A. drawer ;B. drawee; C. beneficiary;D. applicant ;6. We find it _ that you failed to delivery the goods before our selling season . A. regret ;B. regretful C. regrettable ;D. regretted 7. Our Green Tea is customarily packed _ standard boxes, 10 boxes to a carton. A. in ;B. with C. of ;D. to 8. We are _ your letter of January 8 and will duly act on your instruction. A. upon receipt of ;B. in receipt of C. receive ;D. to receive 9. we will keep you _ for any change in price or delivery. A. inform ;B. to inform C. informing ;D. informed 10. Your application for an import license will be rejected _ you make the mistake again. A. if ;B. as long as C. on condition that ;D. provided that 11. The automatic washing machines _ Order No.AE953 are now ready for shipment.A. on ;B. at C. above ;D. under 12. We should be glad if you would send us , _ 30 days approval, a selection of your rugs. A. at ;B. on C. for ;D. with 13. The clocks you required are out of stock now, we have put your items on _order.A. trial ;B. delay C. back ;D. repeat 14. We require the goods be delivered in two equal _ by direct steamer. A. weights ;B. sizes C. colors ;D. lots 15. The letter of credit in our _ is advised by Bank of China,; Zhejiang Branch.A. payment ;B. desire C. favor ;D. choice 16. Our best quality products will find a ready _ in your area. A. market ;B. order C. customer ;D. consignment 17. A franchise of 5% means claims are payable only for the part of the loss _ 5%.A. above ;B. below C. equal to ;D. of 18. We confirm _ your counter-offer yesterday.A. to accept ;B. having accepted C. accepted ;D. accepting 19. We feel confident that your orders will be _ smoothly.A. done ;B. executed C. made ;D. affected 20. To our regret, we find the machines arrived to our port _ such a bad condition.A. in ;B. on C. at ;D. by 二、填空题(本大题共25空,每空1分,共25分)请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上。错填、不填均无分。21. We wish to draw your attention _ the fact that the goods have been ready _ shipment for a long time. 22. We priced the article _ USD25 per dozen after careful cost examining. 23. Our quotation _ 20 metric tons of walnuts is valid _ 5 days.24. Owing to the delay _ the L/C , we are unable to effect shipment _ the stipulated time limit.25. We have booked shipping space _ s.s. “Dongfeng”. 26. Freight _ shipment from Shanghai to Hamburg is to be charged _ your account.27. Our usual terms of payment are _ letter of credit and we hope they will be satisfactory _ you. 28. To acquaint you _ the supply position _ our products, we send you our latest catalogue. 29. The users are _ urgent need of the machines, please ship the goods _ the first available steamer. 30. We are se(武汉自考)nding you our Proforma Invoice No.AX56; duplicate; canned fruit.31. You may refer _ our bank _ our financial standing. 32. As the articles are _ of stock, we can offer you a substitute.33. The cartons are too thin and not fit _ ocean transportation.34. Shipping marks will be decided _ the buyers option. 35. You will be held responsible _ any damage resulting _ rough handling.三、 英汉翻译(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上。36. Marine insurance policy is required for 110% of the invoice value against FPA and War Risk as per the Peoples Insurance Co. of China. 37. If a party does not pay a sum of money when it falls due the other party is entitled to interest upon that sum.38. They can not accept any fresh orders now because of heavy commitments.39. The cartons used for packing our sewing machines are light but strong, which save shipping space and facilitate the storage and distribution of the goods.40. As your cargos are shipped all year around, we make it a rule to cover insurance under open cover.41. Considering the small amount involved, we are prepared, as an exception to make payment by D/P at sight for your first trial order. 42. Taking into consideration of our friendly business relations, we are of the opinion that if you could increase your order to 8,000 sets we would allow a 5% discount.43. Owing to the high expense for the opening of L/C he
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