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Unit5 重点短语break down停止运转,出故障;(身体等)垮掉;失败;使分解First, his two sledges broke down, and then the horses began to have serious difficulties with the snow and the cold.(教材P36)先是他的两辆雪橇坏了,后来马匹开始应付不了大雪和严寒的天气。短语记牢记牢下列短语break out突然爆发break up 粉碎;结束;解散break through 获得重大发现;取得重大突破;冲出Talks with business leaders broke down last night.昨晚与商界领导人的谈判失败了。Everybody was alarmed at the news that war might break out.听到战争可能爆发的消息人人感到恐慌。巩固内化(1)写出句中break down的含义Her health broke down under the pressure of work.I left London when my marriage broke down.The car broke down just north of Paris.Food is broken down in the stomach.垮掉 失败 出故障 使分解(2)完成句子Angry people (冲过) the barriers despite of warnings from the police.Two world wars (爆发) in our planet so far. broke through have broken out
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