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Module7 Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear.,英语外研社版六年级下,Review and lead in,01,Sing a song.,When I was a baby, I could , but I couldnt .,Words: cry, eat, drink, climb, sit, sleep , hear , see walk, run, jump, sing, swim, read ,Pair work,1. Who?,2.When?,4.What?,3.Where?,She is a very famous lady. She is from America. She couldnt see and couldnt hear .But she could learn and work . She wrote the book “Ifyougivemethreedayslight ”.,Helen Keller,Listen and chant.,02,Presentation,born,/brn/ 出生,诞生,letter,/lt/ 字母,role model,/rol mdl/ 字母,Learn the text.,03,Listen and read.,1. A. Helen Keller couldnt see or hear .,B. Helen Keller could see and hear .,2. _ taught Helen Keller.,A. Her mother.,3. The teacher drew_ in her hand and taught her to spell.,A. letters,B. A teacher.,B. pictures,1.When was Helen Keller born? 2.Where was she born? 3.What couldnt she do? 4.What did she learn ?,Read and answer.,Listen and read.,点我看解析,Listen and read.,点我看解析,1.When was Helen Keller born? 2.Where was she born? 3.What couldnt she do? 4.What did she learn ?,Read and answer.,She was born in 1880.,She was born in the US.,She couldnt see or hear .,She learnt to read , write and speak.,Listen and follow.,Read and write.,Read and write.,hear,read,write,role model,Listen and say.Then sing.,Listen and say.Then sing.,Practise,04,Summary and homework.,05,6.She became blind and deaf . She couldnt see or hear.,4. She had a teacher.,3. She learned to read and write.,1. She wrote a book about herself.,2.She travelled all over the world.,Exercise,Homework,1.听录音模仿课文。 2.Tell Helens or your role models story to your friends or your family.,Thank you!,这是描述某人过去不能做某事的句型。句子中的couldnt是could not的缩写形式,意为“不能” 句型结构:主语+couldnt+动词原形+其他.,这里live为动词,意为“活着”。 形近词:love 爱;give给;life生命 词性转化:live (形容词)活的,现场直播的。 一词多义:live v.居住,谢谢观看!,
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