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考 生 答 题 不 准 超 过 此 线 地 区姓 名单 位 名 称准 考 证 号职业资格全省统一鉴定涉外秘书(国家职业资格四级)英语试卷注 意 事 项1、考试时间:90分钟。2、请首先按要求在试卷的标封处填写您的姓名、准考证号和所在单位的名称。3、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在规定的位置填写您的答案。4、不要在试卷上乱写乱画,不要在标封区填写无关的内容。听力部分笔试部分总分总分人得 分得 分评分人职业技资格全省统一能鉴定国家题库 涉外秘书(国家职业资格四级)英语试卷注 意 事 项1、请按要求在试卷的标封处填写您的姓名、准考证号、身份证号和所在地区单位。2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,并在规定的位置填写您的答案。3、请保持卷面整洁,不要在试卷上作任何与答题无关的标记,也不得在标封区填写无关的内容。听力部分笔试部分总分评分人得 分得 分评分人A. Listening Test【注意:本试卷听力部分录音在“秘书英语听力录音四级02”中。】. Listening Comprehension (2 marks each question, 10 marks altogether)Directions: Listen to this short dialogue and tell the following sentences are True or False. Write T for True and F for False in the brackets. 你将听到一个对话,根据其内容对下列句子做出正确或错误的判断,请在 中填写T(对)或者F(错),每题2分共10分。 1.The car takes gas. 2. This car does about twenty-three kilometers one liter at an average speed of ninety kilometers per hour. 3. The car costs forty dollars a day. 4. If you rent the car for four days or more, there would be a 15 percent discount. 5. The man is not happy about the rental II. Listening (2 marks for each, 10 marks altogether). Directions: Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to each question.根据所听到的对话选择出正确答案,每题2分共10分。1. When will they arrive at Cape Town? (A)Before 1:00 a.m. (B)Before 15:00 (C)Before 13:00 (D)About 2:30 a.m. 2. The man is worried because of _. (A)the delay (B)the bad weather (C)the bad service (D)his wife 3. What are they going to do after they go to the hotel and freshen up? (A)Go to the meeting (B)Stay in the hotel (C)Telephone Mr. de Bedts (D)Go to a restaurant 4. The man wont be happy until _ .(A)the plane takes off (B)the air-traffic control problems are over(C)they arrive at Cape Town (D)both A and B 5. Will the man fly with this airline again? _ (A)Yes (B)No (C)He does not say (D)None of the above 得 分评分人得 分评分人B. Written TestI. Vocabulary and Structures Directions: Choose the correct answers for each sentence. (2 marks each question, 10 questions, 20 marks altogether) 单项选择,每题2分共20分。1. Over the past ten years they have settled all their accounts very promptly. In view of this, I think we can safely raise their credit limit _ $ 5000.(A)against (B)to (C)with (D)at2. If someone calls and you are the one the caller wants, instead of answering crudely like “Yes, I am.” it is better to say “ _”.(A)Speaking, please (B)You are? (C)What do you want? (D) Is there anything I can do for you? 3. I would like to _ a single room with bath from the 26th March and is planning to leave in the late afternoon on the 8th April.(A)take (B)ask (C)want (D)book4. My name is Mary. I have a(an) _ with the sales manager today at 3 p.m.(A)date (B)appointment (C)meeting (D)party5. If a visitor has to be kept waiting, as a matter of politeness the secretary should ask him to sit down and _ him that he will not be kept waiting long. (A)ask (B)want (C)reassure (D)inform6. I should be grateful _ you collate these into a report that could be circulated to other interested companies. (A)when (B)that (C)why (D)if 7. Drop a line to Jim saying how much we _ his hospitality, could you?(A)thank for (B)show our gratitude (C)thank (D)appreciate 8. Mr. Smith is attending a seminar at nine oclock, Im afraid, but hell be _ in the afternoon. (A)free (B)leisure (C)have time (D)working 9. We _ our catalogue and price list with details of discounts and delivery dates. (A)entail (B)put (C)enclose (D)place 10. I have pleasure _ sending you our brochure with detail of all our holidays. (A)to (B)in (C)with (D)about .Reading Comprehension:
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